GREEN ENERGY FAIL : “We’ll Burn Coal Till The 2040s” – German Minister

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German minister: we’ll burn coal till the 2040s

AFTER spending upwards of a trillion Euros of taxpayers money on the disastrous Energiewende program, all but destroying Germany’s industrial heartland and causing widespread energy poverty to consumers and businesses alike, ideologically green-agressive Germany is giving up on its mad rush into unreliable ‘energy’ – wind and solar – undergoing the biggest coal-fired power expansion in her history…

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MASS Die-Off Of Sea Creatures Follows Freezing UK Weather

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Mass die-off of sea creatures follows freezing UK weather | Environment | The Guardian

IF this mass die-off of sea-creatures happened due to a heatwave, the misanthropic Guardian and climate activists the world over would be blaming evil mankind personkind and calling for immdediate “climate action”.

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