STATE of the Polar Bear Report 2017 shows Polar Bears are thriving
Posted: February 27, 2018 Filed under: Arctic, Polar Bears | Tags: arctic, Arctic Sea Ice, climate, Climate Change, Climate science, Earth Sciences, environment, Global Warming, GWPF, nature, Polar Bears, Susan Crockford Leave a commentHAPPY international polar bear day!
My new report reveals that polar bears are doing well despite recent reductions in sea-ice. It shows in details why this is so, with summaries of critical recent research.
Press release and pdf below. And read my op-ed in the National Post here.
“In a new report published by London-based think tank, the Global Warming Policy Foundation, zoologist Susan Crockford says that predictions that climate change is bringing about the demise of these iconic creatures have proven to be far from the mark.
Dr Crockford’s report, published to mark International Polar Bear day, makes clear that although Arctic sea-ice has declined to levels not expected until 2050 and widely predicted to cause catastrophe for polar bears, their numbers have remained stable, or have even increased slightly. As she explains
“Ice levels during the key feeding period in Spring have been good, and prey species have been abundant. It’s not…
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