THE Staggering Cost of Keeping the Lights on in Wind ‘Powered’ South Australia

“Even the most virulent supporter of renewable energy can, after enough waterboarding, admit the link between more renewables and increased power prices.

“…and bring in diesel-powered generators to stop the lights turning off. It is surely the biggest admission that our renewables experiment has been a failure when you have to call in generators to burn pure fossil fuels.”

EXCELLENT read on the unreliable-energy fiasco that is wreaking havoc on the livelihoods of Victoria and South Australian taxpayers…


Comparing 2016 (red) and 2017 (blue) average
wholesale prices of electricity by state

South Australians have a Labor government and its deranged, ideological obsession with wind and solar power to thank for their status as an international joke.

Paying the highest retail power prices in the world (with much worse to come – see above), routine load shedding and statewide blackouts, and a grid on the brink of collapse, is all the inevitable consequence of attempting to run an economy on sunshine and breezes.

One of the reasons things got this way (and it happened in a bit over 16 years) is the manner in which the useful idiots in the mainstream press pumped wind power, as if it was a sacred gift delivered by some magical and benevolent deity.

In South Australia, the wind cult kicked off around 2002 when its then Premier, Mike Rann started tilting at…

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