AMID a Warming Planet, Snow Falls in Southern Morocco – First Time in 50 Years!

MUST be too cold for those earth-frying human emissions to have any effect…in Southern Morocco! 🤔

Watts Up With That?

After several decades of extremely dry weather, residents in southern regions of Morocco finally woke up this morning to an unusual snowfall that currently impacted Ouarzazate, Taroudant and even Zagora, which has not experienced snowfall for fifty years.

Several photos and videos have been posted on social media depicting the cities covered with a huge layer of snow. Despite the freezing cold temperatures, many residents went outside to enjoy the unexpected snowfall.

El Houcine Yoabd, in charge of communication at the National Meteorology, told the media outlet le 360, that it has snowed in these regions due to a mass of air coming from Northern Europe.

“We are under the influence of a very low pressure of altitude, with very cold temperatures that can reach 0 or even 1 degree,” Yoabd said.

He also added that these drops in temperature accompanied by rainfall and snowfall in several parts of…

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THE Planet Continues To Cool After An El Niño Induced String Of Warm Years

AND the great global warming “pause” settles back into play!

Watts Up With That?

From Dr. Roy Spencer:

UAH Global Temperature Update for January, 2018: +0.26 deg. C

Coolest tropics since June, 2012 at -0.12 deg. C.

The Version 6.0 global average lower tropospheric temperature (LT) anomaly for January, 2018 was +0.26 deg. C, down from the December, 2017 value of +0.41 deg. C:

Global area-averaged lower tropospheric temperature anomalies (departures from 30-year calendar monthly means, 1981-2010). The 13-month centered average is meant to give an indication of the lower frequency variations in the data; the choice of 13 months is somewhat arbitrary… an odd number of months allows centered plotting on months with no time lag between the two plotted time series. The inclusion of two of the same calendar months on the ends of the 13 month averaging period causes no issues with interpretation because the seasonal temperature cycle has been removed as has the distinction between calendar months.

The global, hemispheric…

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GO Fossil Free With Bernie, And Freeze To Death!

MALTHUSIANISM has overtaken socialism as the primary ideology of climateers in order to control energy; ergo, people, in the quest to “Save The Planet”.


By Paul Homewood


A few weeks ago, when New England was under six feet of snow, the grid there depended largely on oil, gas and coal to keep people alive.


Nuclear power was also important. Yet our Bernie does not fancy nuclear either. His official policy is for a moratorium on nuclear power plant license renewals in the United States.

Electricity of course only accounts for a fraction of overall energy consumption.

In 2016, fossil fuels supplied 86% of US energy consumption. Some of that went to heating people’s houses.


BP Energy Review

For an avowed socialist, Bernie seems to care very little about the interest of ordinary, working people.

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James Cook University @jcu censures a climate skeptic – help him fight back

MASSIVE response from defenders of free speech already through the ‘Gofundme’ page.

PLEASE try to donate even as little as $5 (a takeaway coffee).

FUNDING Professor Peter Ridd’s legal fund helps protect freedom of speech and sends a very important message to supposedly “free-thinking” institutions that suppression of thought, ideas and opinion MUST NOT and cannot be stifled because these ideas disagree with the preferred wisdom of the day or a chosen ideology. This is totalitarianism that directly undermines freedom and democracy.

DONATE today to help Prof Ridd fight @JCU and stick it to the tyrannical climate industrial complex.

Watts Up With That?

UPDATE: I made this a “top post” that will remain at the top of WUWT until we reach the goal. New content will appear below.

Last week we covered this ugly saga of how a colleague of the late Dr. Bob Carter has been singled out for criticism and ruin by his university:

Now we have this announcement from Dr. Jennifer Marohasy, reposted below.

I ask three things of our readers.

  1. Retweet and repost this story wherever you can, Twitter, Facebook, blogs, etc.
  2. To show support, buy a copy of the book in which he says the Great Barrier Reef alarmism is just that.
  3. If possible, donate to his campaign to fight back against the university- link below.

Peter Ridd Asks for your Help – Now

Peter Ridd and Jennifer Marohasy speaking about the need for quality assurance in science last November in Sydney.

PROFESSOR Peter Ridd is a…

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