Latest Excuse for the Global Warming Pause: The Bali Volcano

“The huge Bali Agung volcano has erupted at a convenient time for climate scientists. If the volcano properly blows its top, it buys them a few more years to excuse their failed climate predictions.”

And, recalibrate the busted UN CMIP5 models for their newly embraced “natural variation” ‘phenomenon’!

More on the “pause” here:

Watts Up With That?

Bali Volcano Mount Agung November 2017 Eruption Bali Volcano Mount Agung November 2017 Eruption. By Michael W. Ishak ( [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Guest essay by Eric Worrall

A NASA Scientist is claiming that if Mount Agung in Bali erupts, it could plunge the world into a cold period for several years.

Bali volcano REVERSE global warming: NASA say Mount Agung could plunge earth into ice age

BALI’S volcano eruption could plunge the earth into a prolonged cold spell as scientists warn Mount Agung explosion could reverse global climate change for up to five years.

PUBLISHED: 13:26, Wed, Nov 29, 2017 | UPDATED: 16:56, Wed, Nov 29, 2017

And the result will be in a reverse of global warming, as the planet’s temperatures cool instead of increasing as projected.

NASA climate scientist Chris Colose said: “To have a notable climate impact, there needs to be an explosive enough…

View original post 177 more words

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