WORDS Of Wisdom To A Disciple Of The Church Of Climatology
Posted: November 21, 2017 Filed under: Alarmism Debunked, Carbon Dioxide, Climate Alarmism, Climate science, Climatism, Empirical Evidence, Energiewende, Energy Poverty, Fact Check, Green Energy, Politics, Religion, Renewables, Sceptics, Solar, Unreliables, Wind Farms | Tags: Alarmism, CARBON DIOXIDE, Climate Change, Climate Change Religion, climate religion, CO2, CO2 Fertilisation, coal, Energy, Energy Poverty, Fossil Fuels, Global Warming, Hans, Patrick Moore, Renewable energy, sceptics, Twitter, unreliables 4 CommentsTWITTER has become a hotbed of debate between staunch believers of catastrophic anthropogenic global warming (CAGW) and those sceptical of the supposed adverse impacts of mankind’s energy emissions on planet Earth.
THERE is little grey area or middle-ground in often heated debates, with the CAGW camp blaming the burning of fossil fuels, namely coal, not only for a >1 degree celsius warming of the atmosphere since 1850, but on literally anything and everything that moves, shifts, spins or tilts upon contact with colourless, odourless, tasteless, non-reactive, trace gas and plant food carbon dioxide!
HERE’S s a list of everything caused by global warming climate change as of 2012:
LIST OF THINGS CAUSED BY GLOBAL WARMING – CO2 & WHAT IT DOES LIST !!!! LOL !!! A complete list of things caused by global warming
ANY good scientist is a sceptic; if he or she is not, then he or she should not be a scientist. But yet the language of the global warming alarmist, is to accuse anyone who does not believe in man-made climate change as a “denier”, a heretic, a blasphemer. This is the language of religion, not science.
SCEPTICS do not ‘deny’ the existence “climate change” or “global warming”. The earth’s average temperature has been increasing and decreasing since the beginning of time. A climate sceptic is basically ‘sceptical’ of how much of the recent warming can be attributed to the burning of fossil fuels versus natural variation. And, in fact, any slight warming might actually be beneficial. After all, cold weather is twenty times more deadly than hot weather, according to a study published in the British journal The Lancet.
MOREOVER, sceptics acknowledge the remarkable benefits of the essential gas-of-life, carbon dioxide, that has become so politically demonised with a religious zeal rivalling the Spanish Inquisition.
GREENPEACE co-founder and prominent climate sceptic Patrick Moore PhD penned a must read treatise on the benefits of life-giving CO2, noting “This is probably the most important paper I will ever write.“
MOORE looks at the historical record of CO2 in our atmosphere and concludes that we came dangerously close to losing plant life on Earth about 18,000 years ago, when CO2 levels approached 150 ppm, below which plant life can’t sustain photosynthesis. He notes:
A 140 million year decline in CO2 to levels that came close to threatening the survival of life on Earth can hardly be described as “the balance of nature”.
NOW, with 400ppm in the atmosphere, the biosphere is once again booming as many recent studies confirm. He also points out how environmental groups and politicians are using the “crisis” of CO2 increase to drive their own draconian agendas.
CONTROL CO2 and you control energy, thus you control everyone and everything!
AND to the point of this post!
“StormSignalSA” is a rancher and climate sceptic from the great land of South Africa. A recent tweet of his captured the attention of many for a wonderful response to a climate catastrophist who derided “Storm” for his stance on coal.
IT is a brilliant retort in defence of Mother Nature’s mighty black rock that has allowed us to improve human well-being and make the world a better place…
STORED solar energy that will continue to improve the lives of anyone exposed to it and lift millions more out of abject poverty, including the 1.3 Billion who still have no electricity, at all.
ALTERNATIVE energy sources, “unreliables“, are either too expensive, too difficult to access, or simply too inefficient to achieve any meaningful results for the most impoverished.
AMEN to that!
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- TRULY GREEN? How Germany’s #Energiewende Is Destroying Nature | Climatism
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- Saving Lives with Fossil Fuels | Bjorn Lomborg
- Bjørn Lomborg: Why Africa Needs Fossil Fuels, Not Wind Power & Wishes | Climatism
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Plant Food CO2 Related :
- THE Carbon Dioxide Word Game | Climatism
- CO2 In The Atmosphere Is Not Pollution | Climatism
- Bureaucratic Dioxide | Climatism
- China won’t classify CO2 as a pollutant in new environment law | Climatism
- Carbon Dioxide: The Gas of Life – Paul Driessen
CO2 – “The Stuff of Life” – Greening The Planet :
- CSIRO Censoring Their Own Climate Research | Climatism
- The global dance of carbon dioxide and spreading green flora « JoNova
- Greening the Planet and how Fossil Fuels protect world’s Flora & Fauna | Dr. Matt Ridley | Climatism
Isn’t it 380 ppm?…not 400 ppm …
Somewhere around there. 380-410
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