‘Green’ Premiers Red-Faced: Wind Power Fiasco Ends in Dirty Diesel Debacle

DIESEL generators hooked up to energy networks in Australian states with a heavy reliance on “green” energy as part of a last-ditch effort to keep the lights on this summer!

SO, climate theory obsessed politicians blow up and decommission baseload “dirty” fossil-fuel power stations, to stop bad weather, and replace them with “dirty” fossil-fuel diesel generators to stop blackouts!

YOU literally can’t make up this unreliable-energy-insanity stuff up anymore.

AND the further cost to taxpayers already skyrocketing power bills!!



SA’s Premier: dogged by dirty diesel debacle.

Australia’s ludicrous attempt to run on sunshine and breezes sometimes reads like the farcical plot of an episode of Blackadder or Fawlty Towers.

In a ‘you couldn’t make this up if you tried’ moment, Australia’s ‘greenest’ States, Victoria and South Australia (which has been forced to wear its mantle as ‘Australia’s wind power capital’, more like a crown of thorns), have been reduced to running on diesel generators.

Consumers set to cop cost of diesel back-up
The Australia
Samantha Hutchinson
14 November 2017

Victorian consumers could foot the bill for a summer energy plan using diesel generators as a stopgap during periods of peak ­demand.

In an about-face by the Andrews government, diesel generators will pump up to 100 mega­watts of power into Victoria’s energy grid as back-up in case of extreme heatwaves this summer.

The plan by the Australian ­Energy Market Operator…

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