Green energy campaigners may kill the world’s biggest science project
Posted: October 20, 2017 Filed under: Uncategorized Leave a comment“A rosy picture of cheap renewables is put forward by Bloomberg, but they rely on ‘promises’ and ignore the true logistics of plastering the world with their Hollywood-style vision of wind turbines, solar panels and industrial-scale batteries. The extravagant claim is made that ‘the concept of the need for baseload generation is fading away’. How’s that going in Australia for example?”
POIGNANT and excellent summary of the completely flipped-out world we live in today….
CAN’T wait to repost this in ten years time when the age of collective eco-insanity abates.
Tallbloke's Talkshop
Credit: ITER
A rosy picture of cheap renewables is put forward by Bloomberg, but they rely on ‘promises’ and ignore the true logistics of plastering the world with their Hollywood-style vision of wind turbines, solar panels and industrial-scale batteries. The extravagant claim is made that ‘the concept of the need for baseload generation is fading away’. How’s that going in Australia for example?
The world’s biggest scientific experiment is on course to become the most expensive source of surplus power.
With wind-farm campaigners starting to promise subsidy-free power by 2025 and electricity demand in Europe stagnating, the future of fusion research looks bleak.
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