RET Driven Power Price Hike Bites: Cost of Australia’s Renewable Energy Madness Crushing Consumer Confidence

“The outlook isn’t encouraging either, with the full effect of higher energy bills yet to be felt,” said Capital Economics chief economist Paul Dales.”

FEAR NOT! The (inept) Turnbull Governments’ latest solution to Australia’s electricity crisis – to pay consumers for turning their AC off during summer for a $25 voucher – should save the day…and their government. Not!

More fake fixes to a fake catastrophe.

Stupidity on steroids.


Australian power consumers have just started opening their winter power bills, which are fully 20% higher than this time last year. By comparison, Australia’s underlying rate of inflation is around 1.5%.

The consequences for the economy, as a whole, are just starting to bite.

Restaurants, bars and retailers are copping it from both ends.

Business customers – often on retail power contracts with fixed prices for two or three years – are watching their power costs almost double, as they enter new contracts with prices fixed at the current rates.

And the customers who consume what these businesses hope to offer, have been forced to cut back on expenditure, simply to be in a position to pay their own rocketing power bills. Some might call it a vicious circle.

STT calls it a self-inflicted economic suicide.

Shoppers stay away as power costs bite
Adam Creighton
The Australian
6 October 2017

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CHEAP ENERGY – Australia’s Greatest Economic Advantage Sacrificed At The Altar Of Climate Change


“Cheap coal and cheap electricity provided us with our greatest economic advantage. That has now been sacrificed at the altar of climate change.” Cory Bernardi


CORY Bernardi is a conservative senator from South Australia who stands up for common sense and the silent majority.

BERNARDI has been a Senator representing the state of South Australia in the Australian Senate since 2006 and is the leader of the Australian Conservatives, a new political party he founded in 2017. receives Cory’s weekly newsletter Your weekly dose of common sense. And this weeks newsletter is a must read for a common-sense break down of Australia’s ongoing, 100% man-made, electricity energy crisis…

Just when I thought politics couldn’t disappoint any further, I see more half-baked proposals to fix our broken electricity system.


The system was broken by the actions of the very same politicians who now claim they can fix it. Such was the hysteria about ‘needing to do something about climate change’, successive governments and their collaborators in the opposition have done incredible damage to our economic prospects.


For decades, Australians benefited from cheap and reliable electricity fuelled by the bountiful supply of coal. This cheap coal and cheap electricity provided us with our greatest economic advantage. That has now been sacrificed at the altar of climate change.


In South Australia, where the Labor party, the Liberal opposition and the Xenophons have all embraced massive renewable energy targets, we have the most expensive electricity anywhere in the world. The subsidies tipped into the renewable energy sector makes it unprofitable for 24-7, 365 day base load power solutions to operate when the sun shines and the wind blows.


You can’t turn a coal fired generator on and off to cater to the whims of wind and sunbeams, leaving gas as the only real alternative. Unfortunately, these same politicians have limited the exploration of gas and other fuels to accommodate more green lunacy – meaning our gas supplies are limited and the price has risen accordingly.


After trashing our energy market and economy, the powers-that-be are now doubling the bet and gambling your future – again.


SA Labor are spending $100 million on diesel generators for a couple of summers and another $50 million on a battery that will basically power the state for a few minutes. Not to be outbid in this energy roulette, the SA Liberal opposition have just announced $100 million on subsidising batteries in homes.


The simple maths is that (depending on the battery itself) it costs more for battery storage power than buying it off the grid. This makes the Weatherill and Marshall energy bids just more political and uneconomic boondoggles, shepherded into public acceptance with the unaccountable snake-oil promise of ‘lower power prices’. If you then add the limited lifespan, disposal issues and the explosive potential of lithium-ion batteries, it becomes a heady mix of political froth and waste – at your expense.


But if you think this foolishness is limited to the State arena you will need to think again. This morning The Australian newspaper speculates that the Federal government is set to announce they will pay you not to use electricity. This is a very special approach….if special means unbelievably dumb!


Now I am not one of them, but some readers really have bought into the man-made climate change myth and the associated falsehoods.


They want to see us meet the carbon dioxide reductions demanded by the Paris agreement and agreed to by the Turnbull government. Amazingly, these same people aren’t all that enthusiastic about the zero emissions solution provided by the nuclear option which suggests emissions reductions aren’t really their end goal. It seems the blind pursuit of ideology is what it is all about.


But here is another option.


Over a twenty year period, Australian taxpayers will be slugged $60 billion to subsidise the unreliable and intermittent renewable energy sector. This method of wasting money has zero prospect of meeting the Paris accord demands. However, if we spent that money building twenty-five 800MwH new-generation HELO coal fired power stations, not only would we meet our emissions reduction targets – we would have baseload, affordable energy to boot.


Even better, if we provided contractual and operational certainty to private enterprise, they would build them without the government borrowing any more money. Surely that is a better way!


Until next week,

Cory Bernardi


P.S – My friend Professor Ian Plimer has just written an excellent book entitled THE CLIMATE CHANGE DELUSION & THE GREAT ELECTRICITY RIPOFF which I launched last week. It is an excellent read and you can purchase the book HERE.


Australian Energy Crisis Related :

  • THE Insane Result Of The Mad Switch To Costly, Symbolic, Unreliable Energy – Wind and Solar | Climatism
  • A Totally Idiot Made Electricity Disaster | Climatism
  • Australian Summer Forecast: More Blackouts & Rocketing Power Prices | Climatism
  • IT’S OFFICIAL : South Australia Has The World’s Highest Power Prices! | Climatism
  • POLITICIANS Mad With Global Warming Theory Are Destroying The Economy And Hurting The Poor | Climatism
  • DIESEL – Keeping South Australia’s Lights On Til The Next Election! | Climatism
  • LIFE In A Fossil-Fuel-Free Utopia | Climatism
  • THE Twisted Irony of Deep-Green Energy Policy (RET) | Climatism
  • Simon Holmes à Court – Wind Weasel | Climatism

World Coal-Fired Power Surge Related :

  • GREEN ENERGY FAIL – World Coal Power Development Up 43% | Climatism
  • Japan Infuriating Enviros By Building 45 New Coal Power Plants | Climatism
  • $7.5bn worth of coal-fired power plants planned for Vietnam | Climatism
  • Coal To Remain India’s Main Energy Source For At Least 30 Years, Govt Confirms | Climatism
  • China’s Production Of Electricity From Coal Surges To Record Levels | Climatism

Unreliable Energy Related :

  • China Counts the Staggering Cost of its Wind Power Experiment | Climatism
  • Renewables Retreat: China Slaps Ban on New Wind Power Projects | Climatism
  • Germany’s €Trillion Euro Disaster: Wind Power ‘Transition’ Destroys its Industrial Heartland | Climatism
  • Adding More Solar And Wind Power ‘Doubles’ CO2 Emissions | Climatism
  • Is The Energiewende Running Out Of Steam? | Climatism
  • Germany’s Energiewende Nightmare: Grid Collapse Looms Due to Erratic Wind & Solar | Climatism

THE Insane Result Of The Mad Switch To Costly, Symbolic, Unreliable Energy – Wind and Solar

Green cave men.jpeg

“Few things are so deadly as a misguided sense of compassion.” – Charles Colson

WE really are living in the age of collective, global warming climate change insanity. We will look back on this era of “save the planet” virtue-signalling and wonder what the hell were we thinking…


Paying you $36 million  to use less, not spending our money instead to provide more:  

The federal government will pay households and businesses across three states to turn down their air conditioning, furnaces and cool rooms to stave off blackouts during peak demand.

Under a $36 million program to be launched today by Energy Minister Josh Frydenberg, thousands of households in NSW, Victoria and South Australia will also be ­invited to voluntarily cut their ­energy use in return for incentives such as rebates on power bills.

SO they’ve spent your money on subsidising green power, and having run short of electricity will now spend your money to use less of it. Meanwhile your power bills keep rising.

AND remember: none of this will cut the world’s temperature. It’s all for nothing.

DOESN’T this strike you as stark, staring, raving mad?


Fuel-Poverty (RET) Related :

  • A Totally Idiot Made Electricity Disaster | Climatism
  • Australian Summer Forecast: More Blackouts & Rocketing Power Prices | Climatism
  • IT’S OFFICIAL : South Australia Has The World’s Highest Power Prices! | Climatism
  • POLITICIANS Mad With Global Warming Theory Are Destroying The Economy And Hurting The Poor | Climatism
  • DIESEL – Keeping South Australia’s Lights On Til The Next Election! | Climatism
  • LIFE In A Fossil-Fuel-Free Utopia | Climatism
  • THE Twisted Irony of Deep-Green Energy Policy (RET) | Climatism
  • Simon Holmes à Court – Wind Weasel | Climatism

World Coal-Fired Power Surge Related :

  • GREEN ENERGY FAIL – World Coal Power Development Up 43% | Climatism
  • Japan Infuriating Enviros By Building 45 New Coal Power Plants | Climatism
  • $7.5bn worth of coal-fired power plants planned for Vietnam | Climatism
  • Coal To Remain India’s Main Energy Source For At Least 30 Years, Govt Confirms | Climatism
  • China’s Production Of Electricity From Coal Surges To Record Levels | Climatism

Unreliable Energy Related :

  • China Counts the Staggering Cost of its Wind Power Experiment | Climatism
  • Renewables Retreat: China Slaps Ban on New Wind Power Projects | Climatism
  • Germany’s €Trillion Euro Disaster: Wind Power ‘Transition’ Destroys its Industrial Heartland | Climatism
  • Adding More Solar And Wind Power ‘Doubles’ CO2 Emissions | Climatism
  • Is The Energiewende Running Out Of Steam? | Climatism
  • Germany’s Energiewende Nightmare: Grid Collapse Looms Due to Erratic Wind & Solar | Climatism

GLOBAL WARMING Alarmists – The Real “Science” Deniers

Paul Bongiorno.jpg

Image: Paul Bongiorno, RN ABC Breakfast Political Commentator (ABC RN/Elliot Dunn)

“The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence whatever that it is not utterly absurd; indeed in view of the silliness of the majority of mankind, a widespread belief is more likely to be foolish than sensible.” – Bertrand Russell

A STARK lesson in climate facts and data Vs ABC groupthink eco-ideology via “denier” numero uno – Andrew Bolt of The Herald Sun.

MAKE your own mind up. Who really are the real “science deniers”, the sceptics or the “save the planet” virtue-signalling, eco-zealots? …


The real “deniers” are generally not the global warming sceptics but the extremists who denounce them. Take ABC commentator Paul Bongiorno, who today denied the science in attacking Tony Abbott’s speech in London overnight.

Tony Abbott:

In most countries, far more people die in cold snaps than in heat waves, so a gradual lift in global temperatures, especially if it’s accompanied by more prosperity and more capacity to adapt to change, might even be beneficial.

ABC presenter Fran Kelly on ABC Radio Breakfast quoted this at Paul Bongiorno this morning. His response:

This just flies in the face of contemporary science.

Actually, it’s warmist Paul himself who flies in the face of science.

Cold weather is 20 times as deadly as hot weather... The study — published in the British journal The Lancet — analyzed data on more than 74 million deaths in 13 countries between 1985 and 2012. Of those, 5.4 million deaths were related to cold, while 311,000 were related to heat.

Same story in Australia:

A new study published in The Lancet shows 6.5% of deaths in this country are attributed to cold weather, compared with 0.5% from hot weather. Most deaths will be from cardiovascular and respiratory disease, as it’s the heart and lungs that struggle when we are outside our comfort zone.

And global warming policies of the kind Bongiorno supports will make the dying worse by making electricity too expensive for the poor:

The situation has become so dire that 77 per cent of low-income NSW households are going without heating in a bid to reduce their onerous power bills, new research from the NSW Council of Social Service (NCOSS) shows. And one in three low-income earners have been forced to stop using hot water for bathing to pay for energy bills.

Then there’s the increased crops we’re getting as the world (mildly) warms.


Australia’s winter grain harvest is now officially the largest for every single mainland state.

Last week:

The latest indications for the current season point to record cereal production in 2017 at the world level with total inventories hitting a new peak.

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World cereal crops

It’s the invincible ignorance of Bongiorno that staggers me. Confronted with facts that challenge his ideology he instinctively denies them, and, indeed, went on to insult Abbott as someone he falsely claimed had said he couldn’t be believed unless he’d written it down (which, incidentally, Abbott had actually done in this case).

And what of Fran Kelly? She fancies herself as someone who is pretty well informed on global warming, which she, too, spruiks.

But to Bongiorno’s false claims she offered not a word of demurral.


Astonishingly, the Fairfax reporter is also astonished by Abbott’s claim, finding it so remarkable that she leads her report with it:

Tony Abbott says voters should beware the science of climate change but argues that higher temperatures “might even be beneficial” because “far more people die in cold snaps”.

Lancet reports that more people die in the cold than the heat and Fairfax doesn’t blink. But when Abbott says it Fairfax faints.



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