GREEN ENERGY FAIL – World Coal Power Development Up 43%

Coal China.jpg

The ultra-supercritical Shanghai Waigaoqiao No. 3 is one of China’s flagship high-efficiency, low-emissions coal-fired power plants.

UNRELIABLE energy (wind/solar) proponents parrot the same mindless, groupthink propaganda about the so-called “green energy revolution” (which provides under 2% of the world’s power after trillions of dollars spent), demanding that we must “transition now!” so as to not be “left behind by the rest of the world!”.

MEMO to the misinformed …

From The New York Times

“1,600 new coal-fired power plants are planned or under construction in 62 countries.”

Coal fired power staions NYT


MEANWHILE, back in Australia, global warming theory obsessed politicians are giving up the countries once prized economic advantage of having cheap, reliable energy, by decommissioning and blowing up their last remaining coal-fired power plants. Greens and Labor parties even cheering about it!

Playford A Power Station Stack Felling

NPS West Coal Bunker and Tower Demolition

NPS East Coal Bunker and Coal Transfer Towers

via Augusta Power Stations – Flinders Power


NEIGHBOURING State, Victoria, whose Socialist Left government is also obsessed with green energy and the climate faith has closed Hazelwood coal-fired power station, which did not merely supply Victoria with a quarter of its power but also helped bail out South Australia.

ALL this destruction of Australia’s once cheap, efficient, relaible, baseload power supply has led to Australia now having some of the highest power prices in the world. South Australia officially has “the highest“!

THE world sure got the message: South Australia is closed for investment in heavy industry, and so, soon, will be the rest of Australia if they don’t learn from the dire consequences of destroying cheap power.

THE situation has become so dire in SA that the Weatherill Labor government is now spending a whopping $360 million on imported diesel generators in an attempt to maintain power supply after a summer of statewide blackouts 2016/17, which earned SA title of “the blackout capital of the world.”


More from The Herald Sun’s Andrew Bolt:

The public is now waking up to this madness, and to the falsehoods that inspired it.

Let’s expose the five biggest.

FALSEHOOD ONE: We can afford Labor’s green energy target.

In fact, just to meet the targets set by Labor in Queensland and Victoria would force us to build 4800 wind generators at an estimated cost of $41 billion. And those states would then have a power system as dodgy as South Australia’s.

FALSEHOOD TWO: This green energy creates lots of “green jobs”.

In fact, it costs jobs. The wind power industry gives full-time jobs to just 1230 Australians, according to the Bureau of Statistics. But if the Victorian Government goes ahead with policies to close the giant Hazelwood coal-fired station, that alone would cost the jobs of 1000 Hazelwood workers.

Worse, other businesses would be hit with power price rises of up to 5 per cent, enough to probably kill the power-intensive Portland aluminium smelter, for one, with its 750 workers.

FALSEHOOD THREE: Australia will save the planet by switching to green power. In fact, cutting our emissions makes no measurable difference to global temperatures, which is why politicians refuse to say how much temperatures will fall as a consequence of the billions they are spending. Ask them yourself: for all this pain, how much will we gain? By how much will temperatures fall?

I’ve asked everyone from the Liberals’ Greg Hunt to Labor’s Penny Wong, from alarmist Tim Flannery to populist Kevin Rudd, and not one will answer.

FALSEHOOD FOUR: We are doomed if we don’t cut the temperature. In fact, the warmists’ predictions of doom keep bombing.

In 2007, Climate Council boss Flannery warned that “even the rain that falls will not fill our dams and our river systems”. In 2008, the weather bureau warned that drought could become “our new climate”. In 2012, the Australian Conservation Foundation warned it “will be less and less likely that we can feed the human population”.

But what do we see instead?

Years of good rain. Dams filling. Rivers flooding. A record world harvest of grain crops.

FALSEHOOD FIVE: the public still believes this warming scare.

In fact, even a survey for the embarrassed Climate Institute last month found just 30 per cent of Australians still believed the world was warming and humans were mostly to blame.

Most Australians are now sceptics. The great warming scare is failing, which explains the panic over South Australia’s blackout.

The lights went out. But for many Australians, a light bulb went on.

Pardon? Here were storms bringing the rains the warmists told us were gone, and switching off the green power the warmists told us would stay.

Green power, gone with the wind. 

South Australian blackout puts questions on value of wind power | Herald Sun


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