Claim: 59,300 Indian Suicides because Climate
Posted: August 1, 2017 Filed under: Alarmism uncovered, Cult Science, Fake News, Government Grants/Funding, Pseudo-Science | Tags: agriculture, Alarmism, Climate alarmist, Climate Change, Climate science, Global Warming Hoax, India, palreview, science, scumbag, Suicide, Tamma A. Carleton 1 Comment“India may have a serious rural suicide problem. We can speculate about the cause. But whatever is going so wrong for so many rural Indians, the suicide tragedy is clearly not related to climate impacts on farm output. Agricultural yields are rising.”
It would seem, author Tamma A. Carleton is well versed in the science literature saying “publish or perish”.
TO preface your study with “climate = suicide” simply to get your paper published – What a gross insult to people who have suffered through the horrors of suicide.
SHAME on you “Tamma A. Carleton” – you pig of a human being.
Watts Up With That?
India Wheat Yield Tonnes per Hectare. Data Source OECD
Guest essay by Eric Worrall
A new study claims every degree of temperature above 20C increase the likelihood an Indian farmer will commit suicide. Just one problem with this claim: Indian agricultural yields are rising (see graph above).
Crop-damaging temperatures increase suicide rates in India
More than three quarters of the world’s suicides occur in developing countries, yet little is known about the drivers of suicidal behavior in poor populations. I study India, where one fifth of global suicides occur and suicide rates have doubled since 1980. Using nationally comprehensive panel data over 47 y, I demonstrate that fluctuations in climate, particularly temperature, significantly influence suicide rates. For temperatures above 20 °C, a 1 °C increase in a single day’s temperature causes ∼70 suicides, on average. This effect occurs only during India’s agricultural growing season, when heat also lowers crop yields…
View original post 178 more words
THE Appalling Delusion of 100 Percent “Unreliables” Exposed
Posted: August 1, 2017 Filed under: Failed Green Schemes, Green Agenda, Green Energy, Renewables, Unreliables, Wind Farms | Tags: Energy Poverty, Fuel Poverty, Industrial Wind, Jay Weatherill, Josh Frydenberg, SA, unreliables, Wind Energy, wind energy scam, Wind Farms, wind power Leave a comment“THE Appalling Delusion of 100 Percent “Unreliables”, Exposed…
IT GETS way worse: Adding More Solar And Wind Power ‘Doubles’ CO2 Emissions
And you will find grid-scale battery storage just over there.
For STT followers Robert Bryce needs no introduction. Here he is exposing the delusional belief that whole nations can be entirely powered by sunshine and breezes.
The Appalling Delusion of 100 Percent Renewables, Exposed
National Review
Robert Bryce
24 June 2017
The National Academy of Science refutes Mark Jacobson’s dream that our economy can run exclusively on ‘green’ energy..
The idea that the U.S. economy can be run solely with renewable energy — a claim that leftist politicians, environmentalists, and climate activists have endlessly promoted — has always been a fool’s errand. And on Monday, the National Academy of Sciences published a blockbuster paper by an all-star group of American scientists that says exactly that.
The paper, by Chris Clack, formerly with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the University of Colorado Boulder, and 20 other top scientists…
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Electric cars are pollution shifters: we will need huge investment in generation capacity
Posted: August 1, 2017 Filed under: Fact Check, Failed Green Schemes, Government Grants/Funding, Green Energy, Renewables, Unreliables | Tags: Battery Storage, Climate Change, Elon Musk, Global Warming Scam, Green Energy Failure, Tesla 1 CommentShock news.
Study: Tesla car battery production releases as much CO2 as 8 years of driving on petrol
Climate Moranomics in action…
By Paul Homewood
Apparently the Guardian actually has one sensible reader.
From their letters page:
There seems to be little understanding of the simple fact that electric vehicles (EV) are, in the main, pollution shifters – from tailpipe to power generation facility (Ban from 2040 on diesel and petrol car sales, 26 July). The electricity generation and transmission system is already tested to its limits during a harsh winter. Only if objections disappeared to the mass building of thousands of the largest wind turbines, plus similar numbers of hectares of photovoltaic solar generation, could the pollution shifters’ argument be refuted. Even then, there would still be need for conventional or nuclear generation for when the sun doesn’t shine and wind doesn’t blow – doubling the capital requirement.
Then there is the transmission system. Its capacity is based on “averaging”. It assumes that not everyone will be using the…
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