One graphic $ays it all: Who actually paid in to the Paris Green Climate fund?
Posted: June 4, 2017 Filed under: Carbon Tax, Climate Money, COP22, Energy Poverty, Environmentalism, Failed Green Schemes, Green Agenda, UN, UNEP, UNFCCC, Wealth Redistribution | Tags: Carbon Dioxide Hoax, Carbon Tax, Climate Change, Climate Change Hoax, Global Warming Scam, Green Climate Fund, Green Taxes, MAGA, Paris, Paris Accord, Trump, UN, UNEP, UNFCCC Leave a commentHard-earned US taxpayer funds diverted to third-world countries (often run by tin-pot dictators) via the unelected bureaucratic behemoth – the United Nations. What possibly could go wrong?!
Donald J Trump – protecting US incomes with accountability and transparency for its careful use where needed. And yet Trump’s the bad guy?!
Watts Up With That?
Yeah, this is why President Trump said
“We will cease honoring all non-binding agreements”, and “we will stop contributing to the green climate fund”.
“I can not in good conscience support a deal that harms the United States”.
“The bottom line is that the Paris Accord is very unfair to the United States”.
“This agreement is less about climate and more about other countries getting a financial advantage over the United States”.
The United States contributed $1 billion to the global Green Climate Fund, but the world’s top polluters contributed nothing, David Asman reported.
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