Latest Telegraph Puff For Electric Cars
Posted: May 21, 2017 Filed under: Uncategorized Leave a commentThe taxpayer funded electric car green-dream is a climate obsessed virtue/signalling joke.
But, living in Asia, I am a MASSIVE fan of converting to electric auto.
BUT, this can only occur when the noble eco-cranks admit that the source energy can ONLY be derived from either Nuclear or Coal origins.
Smog sucks. Ramp up Nukes and power clean electric autos by all means.
By Paul Homewood
h/t Patsy Lacey
The Telegraph seem to be running puff pieces for electric cars nearly everyday now:
The cost of owning an electric car will fall to the same level as petrol-powered vehicles next year, according to bold new analysis from UBS which will send shockwaves through the automobile industry.
Experts from the investment bank’s “evidence lab” made the prediction after tearing apart one of the current generation of electric cars to examine the economics of electric vehicles (EVs).
They found that costs of producing EVs were far lower than previously thought but there is still great potential to make further savings, driving down the price of electric cars.
Needless to say, these conclusions arise from a theoretical study by UBS, who probably have a vested interest somewhere along the line in all of this.
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Industrial Scale Battery Storage of Wind & Solar Would Cause Surge in CO2 Emissions
Posted: May 21, 2017 Filed under: Uncategorized Leave a commentUPDATE on – Open-cut, heavy metal *mining* for toxic battery materials to provide an hours worth of energy to a small town when the wind stops blowing OR blows too fast…
Oh so green. 🙈
Californian carpet-bagger, Elon Musk has been threatening South Australia with a plan to scoop up at least $150 million of the $550 million its hapless Labor government is about to squander on non-fixes for its self-inflicted wind power disaster.
So no time like the present to reflect on just how ‘green’ is SA’s plan to squander mega-$millions on Musk’s mega-battery.
For the record, there is no grid-scale battery storage system operating anywhere in the world; and when we say ‘grid-scale’ we mean capable of storing hundreds of MWhs, rather than the 20-100 MWh being touted by Tesla.
Also for the record, batteries do not generate power they simply store it; the power put into them has to come from some generation source at a cost, they take time to charge and discharge as fast as their operators permit. Moreover, as every mobile phone owner knows, batteries have a limited lifespan…
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Climate Change Australia – Warmist ABC Admits That It Can’t List Any Sceptical Reports
Posted: May 21, 2017 Filed under: Uncategorized Leave a commentUPDATE on the *TAXPAYER* funded ABC’s legally bound charter for impartially via code 5. 4:
“Impartiality and diversity of perspectives”
PA Pundits - International
By Andrew Bolt ~
After years of hearing only the alarmist view on the warmist ABC, a listener put in an FOI request.
He asks:
Australian Broadcasting Corporation Logo
The document I seek is a list of links to articles related to “global-warming”, “climate-change”, “CO2” and “coral bleaching” that represent the sceptical view of those respective debates – as presented by the ABC on all its platforms.
I have listened, viewed and searched for years and I’ve not found any sceptical articles on the ABC’s platforms.
The ABC’s response:
I have taken reasonable steps to identify and locate all relevant documents. My search for these documents involved contacting the following relevant people, who in turn consulted with relevant managers and staff within their respective teams:
• Director News• Manager Editorial Policies, News.
I requested that searches be conducted of all hard and soft copy records for documents which fall…
View original post 67 more words
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