James Delingpole Dumps on the Great Wind Power Fraud

A blistering MUST READ from the brilliant James Delingpole!

Some tasty takeouts:

“It is an unfortunate fact that over the last forty years, the Climate Industrial Complex – as Myron Ebell calls it – has slipped its slimy green tentacles into pretty much every institution you could name from government bodies like NASA and NOAA through our schools and universities and the mainstream media (BBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, Guardian, Vanity Fair, the Times) even unto the Big Oil companies such as the people responsible for this energy report, BP.

“No one would build these things otherwise because they’re just not commercially viable. The energy they produce is unreliable, unpredictable, intermittent, destabilising (prone to surges and lulls), environmentally damaging (from their huge concrete bases to their use of poisonous rare earth minerals), and very expensive. That’s why they have to be subsidised by taxpayers. And the only reason taxpayers subsidise them is because they’re forced to do so by government legislation which has been framed in the belief that this is a necessary measure to “combat climate change.

“More and more, renewables are being recognised as an environmental disaster, as a charter for troughers and rent-seekers, as a human health hazard, and as a serious threat to economic stability.

“South Australia is the bellwether of this impending, renewables-driven economic disaster. As Paul Homewoodreports, it now relies on wind power for 40 per cent of its electricity – a lunatic decision which has led to rationing, black outs and economic disruption. This won’t continue. South Australians simply won’t allow it to continue: they’re not cowed supplicants in some communist state but sophisticated consumers in a free market economy. Rationing and black outs just aren’t acceptable in such a culture, no matter how noble the intentions of the idiot leftist politicians who introduced all those carbon-reducing green schemes now are backfiring so badly and so predictably.

“All I ask is one simple question: if an industry can only exist because it’s dependent on subsidies and regulation, what do you think will happen to that industry if the public mood swings, a revolutionary spirit takes hold post Brexit and Donald Trump, and those subsidies are withdrawn and the regulation is removed?”



James Delingpole has been slugging it out with lunatics from the Greenblob for more than a decade. Now, as the world wakes up to the scale and scope of the great wind power fraud, Slim Jim finds himself on the right side of history. Here he is letting the world know about it.

Why Renewables Are Doomed and Fossil Fuels Are the Future
James Delingpole
9 February 2017

We’re on the verge of a new energy revolution. Except it’s the exact opposite of the one the “experts” at places like BP, the International Energy Agency and – ahem – the Guardian are predicting.

For years we’ve been assured by politicians, energy industry specialists and green advocates that renewables such as wind and solar are getting more and more cost-competitive while dirty fossil fuels are so discredited and wrong and evil we’ll soon have to leave them in the ground.


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