China Counts the Staggering Cost of its Wind Power Experiment

China setup their own small-scale wind and solar power generation purely to appease the West in a symbolic show of “Green” faith.

Where they are winning, big-time, is in the mass-manufacture of wind and solar applications, sold back to the climate change obsessed West.

And the power used to manufacture the 16th Century industrial windmills, ironically, coming from the very coal that the West has condemned, demonised and shipped-off to China so she can open a coal-fired power station every week!

Insanity on a bizarre level.

Great post STT….



Plenty of what Westerners know about the Middle Kingdom is more marvellous myth than solid fact. Fitting squarely within that category is the idea pedalled by wind worshippers that China is working at a furious pace to carpet itself with millions of these things.

In truth, instead of squandering billions on a technology that was abandoned around the time the rot set in for the Qing Dynasty in the 19th century, China has built a phenomenal capacity in hydro power; and is building nuclear and high-efficiency coal-fired plant in order to bring affordable and reliable power to the masses: at present, China is building a coal-fired plant every other day, with plans to export their electricity to power starved Germans.

Just like everywhere else, the wind industry in China overstated its case; claiming that its costs were far lower than those actually realised; and, conversely, claiming…

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2 Comments on “China Counts the Staggering Cost of its Wind Power Experiment”

  1. When The Wind Don’t Blow, The Lights Don’t Glow! | Climatism says:

    […] China Counts the Staggering Cost of its Wind Power Experiment | Climatism […]


  2. China’s Plans For Wind Power | Climatism says:

    […]… […]


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