Krauthammer: Obama’s Legacy Is Toast

OBAMA also quoted in his wanna-be-green energy address, “my plan makes electricity prices skyrocket”! Thankfully the shale boom stifled such US fuel poverty that is seen throughout Europe and now Australia thanks to “unreliable” energy – wind and solar – subsidised at 110 – 400% in order to compete with hydrocarbon based fuels.

PA Pundits - International

Bolt New 01By Andrew Bolt ~

Remember Barack Obama’s boast that he would so change the world that even “the rise of the oceans began to slow”.  Charles Krauthammer says the truth is that Obama’s legacy will be wiped out. And good.

What Barack Obama promised on the night he won the Democratic nomination for President:

America, this is our moment. This is our time… Our time to offer a new direction for the country we love…

If we are willing to work for it, and fight for it, and believe in it, then I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal…

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Trump’s ‘Basket of Deplorables’ Deliver Lesson on Energy Policy: Politicians Ignore Workers at their Political Peril

Brilliant review of Trump’s Triumph by SST! Confirming why the people of America rejected the ruling class and the political elite in resolute favour of a man who is actually-listening-to-them.

This a fantastic post and well worth sharing with friends, family and your “children’s, children”!



After America’s “basket of deplorables” banded together to send Donald Trump to the White House and Hillary Clinton to the Dog House, everything politicians and pundits thought they knew about politics is patently wrong.

Ignoring the working class is one thing, but condescending, denigrating and ridiculing those who plump for people like Trump as ‘idiots’, or worse, is quite another; as teary Clintonestas have learnt with disastrous (for them) consequences.

The political/media class which spawned and sustained people like Hillary Clinton is now so out of touch with the electorate, that results like Brexit and the election of Donald Trump as President of the USA come as gut-wrenching ‘shocks’.

In the lead up to the Presidential election, STT had the fortune of speaking to a number of Americans, who made it plain that Donald Trump was a serious contender and that Hillary Clinton was more detestable than deplorable.

From their…

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All Aboard The Marrakesh Express

I’ve repeated it for all of the past UN COP climate gabfests, but I’ll say it one more time…Skype?


By Paul Homewood

h/t Joe Public

The two week beano known as COP22 is now underway in Marrakesh.

Altogether, 25903 participants are having the time of their lives (well, at least until they heard Trump had got elected, and might pull the plug on their jollies earnest endeavours.)


According to the registrations, an average of 92 participants per country have attended, which seems an incredible number.

The UK has been quite conservative and only sent 47 ministers and civil servants, although our lords and masters in Brussels have also sent another 94.

Needless to say, hundreds of NGOs have sent thousands of attendees as well. After all, anything is better than getting a proper job.

For some reason, even two-jags himself, John Prescott, has wangled a place on the trip, as a representative of the Council of Europe.

We already know that little will be achieved. Developing countries will…

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