Coal Plants Under Construction In China & India Rising At Alarming Levels

Aside from lifting billions out of abject poverty, through the use of cheap, efficient and reliable fossil-fuel based energy, (smart) China and India recognise the growing manufacturing vacuum left by a “global warming” obsessed West destroying their jobs and industries with draconian climate policy and overreaching green regs.


By Paul Homewood


So much for Paris!

The above analysis is from Energy Transition Advisors, a green propaganda group, who are, somewhat naively, alarmed about what is going on in China and India.

According to their Global Coal Plant Tracker, this is the coal fired capacity in the pipeline:

GW China India Total
Announced 232 56 288
Pre-Permitted 147 78 225
Permitted 26 43 69
Construction 205 65 270
Total 610 242 852

GW New Pipeline Coal Plant Capacity

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One Comment on “Coal Plants Under Construction In China & India Rising At Alarming Levels”

  1. Stuff and nonsense; the futility of “climate control” | Designs on the Truth says:

    […] conditions will save us (won’t that be fun?)   Now, factor in a big dose of reality: Coal Plants Under Construction In China & India Rising At Alarming Levels. Oops. […]

    Liked by 1 person

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