Pointless Wind Farm Carnage: British Study Confirms Wholesale Bat Slaughter
Posted: October 20, 2016 Filed under: Uncategorized Leave a commentIn wind-power-obsessed Spain (an obsession that has led to the literal destruction of their economy) between 6 and 18 million birds and bats are slaughtered each year, according to the Spanish Ornithological Society.
Where’s the outrage from ‘Green’ groups, RSPCA, WWF, PETA ??
The answer is simple: “Environmentalists” would, in times past, raise the alarm at obstructions being built by the thousands across the land [slaughtering birds and bats], but today the “Socio-Enviro-Emotionalists” salivate at the site of these rising monsters, believing they are “saving the planet.” (Duane J. Hyland)
Bats matter to our environment as they assist with pollination, pest control and seed dispersion.
In the UK it is an offence to deliberately (or recklessly in Scotland) disturb a bat in a way that would (significantly in Scotland) affect its ability to survive, breed or rear young …. or significantly affect the local distribution or abundance of the species.
Dead bats and birds underneath wind turbines are a common finding and because of scavenging are likely to reflect much higher kill rates. The more turbines the more bat species as a whole are threatened.
In Europe the 2014 Gidelines for bats in wind farm projects states
The most significant impact of operating wind turbines on bats is direct killing (Arnett et al. 2013a), caused due to collision and/or barotrauma Arnett et al. 2008, Baerwald et al. 2008, Grodsky et al. 2011, Rollins et al. 2012). Migrating bats and bats from local sedentary populations are often…
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Renewable Power Australia – Report: Wind Power Caused The South Australia Blackout
Posted: October 20, 2016 Filed under: Uncategorized Leave a commentWind Power – a ‘weather’ dependant energy source that can’t handle ‘weather’ 🤔
Oh the irony!
PA Pundits - International
By Andrew Bolt ~
South Australian Premier Jay Weatherill – along with green energy interests and many journalists – claimed South Australia’s fault had nothing to do with the state’s wind generators. They were telling untruths. A new report into the disaster concludes the blackout was caused by wind farms suddenly going off line, while gas generators didn’t.
South Australian Premier Jay Weatherill, October 6:
What we do know now is despite all of the fearmongering about wind power is that wind power continued to operate throughout the event.
Clements Gap wind plant in South Australia
Absolutely false.
The Australian Energy Market Operator has now published an update that puts the blame on wind farms.
Thermal power worked fine during the storm, but wind farms failed. Some simply couldn’t work in the high winds, but the real problem was that many were set to stop working after several lightning strikes…
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Indonesia Doubles Coal Use, Ratifies “Climate” Treaty
Posted: October 20, 2016 Filed under: Fact Check, Failed Green Schemes, Fossil Fuels, Govt Climate Agenda, Green Agenda, Green Energy, UN, UNEP, UNFCCC, Unreliables, Wealth Redistribution | Tags: coal, Energy, Fossil Fuels, Indonesia, joke, Paris Climate Treaty, Security, UN, UNEP, UNFCCC, unreliables, wealth redistribution Leave a commentMeanwhile, the politically correct, climate-obsessed, eco-brainwashed West continues to destroy their economies, pursuing useless “unreliable” energy – wind and solar – that do not reduce global emissions, at all.
Such energy fantasies simply increase the cost of doing business, making industry uncompetitive, shifting jobs and ’emissions’ offshore to third-world countries where environmental regulations and working conditions are substandard, leading to real environmental and social issues, like forest destruction, air particulate pollution and sweat shops.
Draconian Climate policy, formulated by unelected global elites at Paris-like gabfests, really are “killing the planet to save it.”
By Paul Homewood
Tony Heller noted this juxtaposition of news from Indonesia this month.
So perhaps it is time to recall just what it was that Indonesia agreed to in the Paris Agreement.
My full analysis of Indonesia’s INDC, which the Carbon Tracker website rated as “Inadequate” from last November is here. But the gist of it is this:
The BAU case projects emissions of 2881 GtCO2e by 2030:
Therefore, a cut of 29% leaves a target of 2046 GtCO2e, still well above 2005 emissions of 1800 GtCO2e.
But this is not the whole story.
As the above makes clear, land use change accounts for 63% of all emissions, totally dwarfing the burning of fossil fuels. This figure reflects the enormous amount of forest that has been cut down, often to make room for palm oil and pulp wood plantations. On top of that,
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