In case you missed it…writer James Delingpole puts my novel in context
Posted: October 11, 2016 Filed under: Uncategorized Leave a commentIf they weren’t white and fluffy, the polar bear would not be the favoured cuddly icon of the climate alarmist movement.
And with their numbers expanding, they certainly do represent a “dangerous, out of control pest”, rather than the oppressed symbol of climate Armageddon so deceptively portrayed.
From Saturday 8 October, English journalist, author and broadcasterJames Delingpole (via his Breitbart column) writes about polar bears:
The Truth About Polar Bears: They’re a Dangerous, Out of Control Pest…
“Crockford is the author of a Jaws-style thriller on ravenous polar bears killing humans called Eaten. At least one polar scientist who has read it considers its “science-based scenario” to be frighteningly plausible.
In field-level polar bear management circles, people don’t talk about the kind of scenario that forms the premise of this novel as an “if”. Instead, they describe it as a “when” and they are not looking forward to it.
Eek is right! The book has been nightmare-inducing for many readers. Put EATEN on your Christmas shopping list (all purchase options here). It makes a great gift and supports the work I do here. Colleagues have said their young adult children…
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King Coal Returns
Posted: October 11, 2016 Filed under: Uncategorized Leave a comment“When – finally – will reality force warmists to revisit the assumption behind their astonishing record of dud predictions? When will they ask themselves why they have been so wrong so often, and always on the alarmist side?”
Amen to that.
PA Pundits - International
By Andrew Bolt ~
Global warmists predicted the rains would dry. The dams would drain. The cyclones would grow. The crops would fail. The islands would drown. All false, of course.
And they swore that wicked coal – the cause of it all – would be worthless. Check their predictions – and what’s now happened.
ABC’s Four Corners, June 16 last year:
With the price of coal plummeting and our biggest customers turning to renewable energy, is Australia backing a loser?
Ross Gittins, The Sydney Morning Herald, October 14 last year:
In a nutshell … coal’s days are numbered. The rapidly falling price of renewable energy such as wind and solar, combined with the growing resolve of China, the US and others to reduce their emissions, put a dark cloud over the future of coal.
ABC business editor Ian Verrender, The Drum, December 28…
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Remote Sensing Systems apparently slips in a ‘stealth’ adjustment to warm global temperature data
Posted: October 11, 2016 Filed under: Uncategorized Leave a commentKeep an eye on this.
Watts Up With That?
People send me stuff. Today, alert reader Clay Ablitt sends this:
I have been keeping a record of a lot of the different data sets that are put out by RSS and UAH because i believe they are a more reliable data set than NASA or NOAA data.
I noticed in the latest monthly update that added the September data, the historic temperatures were adjusted without any notes or version change.
I have attached the data from August and the newly adjusted data from September for your consideration. This will have an impact on all RSS data sets that include the ocean temperatures such as the global RSS TLT data which has continued to show a pause since February 1997.
He also attached an Excel spreadsheet with two pages, one for each month, a link to which is available here: rss-temperature-trend-sep-oct-2016 (.xlxs)
I checked out the worksheet, and he appears to be correct. There is…
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German Energiewende To Cost €520 Billion By 2025 – New Study
Posted: October 11, 2016 Filed under: Energiewende, Energy Poverty, Green Energy, Uncategorized, Unreliables, Wind Farms | Tags: Energiewende, Energy Poverty, Renewable energy, unreliables Leave a commentWhat’s another €1/2 trillion euros when you’ve already spent €1 trillion on a green centrally planned ideology, that has ironically required a massive expansion of new coal-fired power plants and mining to make that ideology work?! Insanity.
By Paul Homewood
From GWPF:
The total cost of Germany’s green energy transition (Energiewende) amounts to over €520 billion euros by 2025 in the electricity sector alone. This is the result of a report commissioned by the Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics (DICE) on behalf of the Initiative New Social Market Economy (INSM).
By far the biggest cost driver with a total of €408 billion is the levy to finance renewable energy (EEG levy). The expansion of electricity and distribution networks totals €55.3 billion. The study is the first full-cost estimate which takes all the costs of the energy transition in the electricity sector into account. In addition to the direct costs of subsidising renewable energy, indirect expenditures such as the cost for the expansion of transmission and distribution networks were included in the calculations, as well as offshore liability expenses and network, capacity and replacement costs.
At the end…
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