‘Unreliable’ Power Australia – Steven Marshall Should Have Listened And Blown Up A Wind Farm
Posted: October 10, 2016 Filed under: Australia, Empirical Evidence, Fact Check, Failed Green Schemes, Flannery, Global Warming Zealots, Government Grants/Funding, Govt Climate Agenda, Green Agenda, Green Energy, Renewables, Wind Farms | Tags: Flannery, Global Warming Hoax, SA Blackout, South Australia, unreliables, Wind Energy, wind energy scam, Wind Farms, wind power 2 Comments“Blowing up the Playford station was Labor saying yes to wind farms and the country’s highest power prices, and saying yes to the country’s highest unemployment, too.
The world sure got that message: South Australia is closed for investment in heavy industry, and so, soon, will be the rest of Australia if we don’t learn from its madness.”
Spot-on column, by Bolt, on Australia’s green energy insanity. Read on…
PA Pundits - International
By Andrew Bolt ~
It was three years ago that I advised South Australia’s Liberal Party Leader to get himself a stick of gelignite and blow up a wind generator.
Yes, we were at a party but, no, I wasn’t drunk.
I told the startled Steven Marshall this was the best way to cut through with a great message and win the election.
“Put the clip on YouTube and you’d tell the world South Australia would be open for business,” I said.
No to more wind farms. Yes to cheaper power. Message sent.
I even helpfully mimed pushing the plunger, but Marshall backed off hastily and never took my advice.
Clements Gap wind plant in South Australia
And, of course, he lost the election a year later to Labor’s Jay Weatherill, the guy you now see on TV desperately pretending his state’s huge wind farms didn’t cause South Australia to…
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IPCC, Government, and Insurance Enables Dangerous Behavior
Posted: October 10, 2016 Filed under: Alarmist Predictions, BIG Government, Climate Money, Dud predictions, Empirical Evidence, Extreme Weather, Fact Check, Government Grants/Funding, Govt Climate Agenda, Green Agenda, Hurricanes, IPCC | Tags: BIG Govt, Climate Agenda, Climate Change, Extreme weather, Global Warming Scam, Insurance, IPCC, reinsurance Leave a commentClimate change alarmism is big business for ‘reinsurance’ billionaire Warren Buffett. But he doesn’t believe in it:
– Warren Buffett: “The public has the impression, because there has been so much talk about climate, that the events of the last ten years have been unusual…they haven’t!
– Warren Buffett: “We’ve been remarkably free of hurricanes in the last five years [Now eleven years or 4003 days]. If you’ve been writing hurricane insurance it’s been all profit.”
– Warren Buffett: “I love apocalyptic predictions, because … they probably do affect rates…”
– Warren Buffett: “we get a tax credit if we build a lot of wind farms. That’s the only reason to build them.”
INCONVENIENT facts on the “Extreme Weather” meme :
“Extreme Weather Is Not Getting Worse” – Dr Roger Pielke Jr
Watts Up With That?
Guest opinion: Dr. Tim Ball
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” – Benjamin Franklin
The claims of increasing disasters presented as inevitable by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) provided opportunities for government interference and crony capitalism on a massive scale. Their actions ignored the realities and enabled unwise behavior by offering assistance and compensation if problems developed in areas where problems are well-known and inevitable.
The insurance industry is a major benefactor of this crony capitalism. They promoted the false IPCC claims on their web pages, sponsored documentaries, and did everything to exaggerate the threat. Look at the comments from the web page of Swiss Re.
Re/insurance plays an important role in managing climate and natural disaster risk, and that’s why it’s part of Swiss Re’s core business.
Managing climate and disaster risk is part of Swiss Re’s DNA.
Munich Re is a…
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