When It’s All Over: Millions of Rusting Wind Turbines to stand as Signs of Mass Stupidity

‘Bat-chomping, bird-slicing’, environmentally destructive, subsidy and weather dependent industrial Windmills. Mere monuments to the folly of green madness.



Wind Turbines, Rusting Giants Of The Environmental ‘Green’ Religion
Freedom Outpost
Ileana Johnson
14 September 2016

I saw the once verdant wheat fields of Eastern Europe covered with ugly wind turbines, slowly spinning their huge blades into the wind. A few funnel dust swirls were blowing the topsoil into the air. They did not appear to be connected to any storage station that would distribute the electrical power generated. I searched and found out that they were really not connected to any network, were not generating usable electricity, they were all for show to placate the “green growth” European bureaucrats who gave them money to install the eye sores instead of growing crops.

Turbines kill birds on a large scale around the world and disturb humans and wildlife.  According to Save the Eagles International, “contrary to what we are told, wind farms will cause the extinction of many bird…

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Australian Extreme Temperature Trends

Australia used to be much hotter, which is why BOM hides the pre -1910 data:


NASA complicit in Australia’s temperature adjustment fraud, to fit the global warming narrative:



By Paul Homewood

The Australian Bureau of Meterology have quite a lot of useful tools on their website (take note, Met Office!)

Among them are graphs for “climate extremes”, (I think they mean “weather”, BTW!). The link is here.

Starting with temperature, we have the average number of very hot days, defined as days over 40C. (There is a full explanation of the definitions and how they are calculated here. In this case, it seems that they work on an average of all stations with sufficiently long data, across the country)


Clearly there is no increase in very hot days.

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Major hurricane landfall drought continues: 4001 days and counting in updated Pielke graph

Watts Up With That?

Despite the fact that he’s “given up on climate writing” thanks to the bizarre treatment he got writing at Nate Silver’s “538”, Dr. Roger Pielke Jr. has done one very important climate thing today – he’s updated his now famous graph of hurricane drought.

He writes on Twitter:


Earlier today, I got one of those pleading “boo-hoo, shame on you” style comments from the irascible David Appell regarding the hurricane drought saying I’m too scared to discuss what he sees as an invalidation of this graph and record of 4001 days, he wrote:


Funny, that David, in his odd way of thinking. For the record, I don’t have any problems discussing science with Mr. Appell, I only have problems with you when you are being a jerk about differences of opinion. That’s why his comments get held for moderation, because he has a history of behaving…

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Evidence that multidecadal Arctic sea ice has turned the corner

That major tenet of “global warming” theory – polar amplification – not going to plan in the Arctic.

Coupled with record multi-decadal expansion of the Antarctic ice mass, with record human CO2 emissions emitted over the same period, it would appear “global warming” theory is skating on thin ‘ice’!

Watts Up With That?

Guest essay by Javier*

Arctic sea ice has been on a declining trend since at least 1979, and probably since the bottom of the Little Ice Age. 2007 was a bad year for Arctic sea ice. It got to a low maximum in March, although not as low as the previous year that still holds the record, and then it proceeded to melt an impressive 1.5 million km2 more (15% ice extent data) than a year earlier, reaching values that were not expected to happen until the 2030’s. This gigantic drop, the biggest on record, triggered a concerted campaign on the media that surely didn’t hurt Al Gore’s chances of winning his Peace Nobel Prize over Irena Sedler, a Polish lady that saved 3,000 babies during WWII, that died the next year.

Ever since we have been subjected to a fear campaign over a “dying”, “screaming”, or “in a…

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NSIDC Confirm 10 Year Pause In Arctic Summer Ice Extent

The holy grail of global warming alarmism – the Arctic – in a decadal pause, following the multi-decadal global temperature pause! Ouch.



There has been a lot of misinformation about the imminent disappearance of summer Arctic ice.

Only a couple of weeks ago, the Met Office were crowing about “declining Arctic sea ice”.


In reality, as NSIDC confirm, average Arctic sea ice extent in September has continued the flatlining of the last decade.

This of course is far too short a period to be of any significance, any more than the period of 1979 – 2007. Will the pause in Arctic continue? Will the “death spiral” recommence? Or will we see a cyclical increase in Arctic ice, just as we did when the AMO turned cold in the 1960s?

Who knows. What we do know is that alarmist claims of imminent Arctic ice collapse are without substance.

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Friday Funny – CAT5 Alarmism AKA the ‘Climate Change’ Blame Game

Watts Up With That?

Yesterday, I wrote about how “climate change” was being blamed for Hurricane Matthew and how ridiculous the effort was, given that it’s been over 4000 days since a major hurricane has hit the USA.

Even NOAA has gotten into the act:


Source: http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/billions/events

See here’s the thing, …there is no such thing as a “climate disaster” on the scale of days, weeks, or a month. By definition, climate is typically averaged over 30 years or more. The idea of trying to label a weather event as a climate disaster is not only absurd on it’s face, it is a clear indication of a political intent to try to link individual weather events to climate change.

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) defines climate:

What is Climate?

Climate, sometimes understood as the “average weather,” is defined as the measurement of the mean and variability of relevant quantities of certain variables (such as…

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