‘Unreliable’ Power Australia – Renewable Madness Will Cost Us $41 Billion

We truly are living in the age of collective, virtue-signalling, climate-hysterical insanity.

And I’ll say it again –

If greens love nature, why aren’t they more concerned about carpeting pristine landscapes with industrial wind turbines?

Industrial wind turbines that kill millions of birds and bats, produce devastating infrasound that create untold misery to people and animals that live in close proximity.

They are weather dependent, running at a maximum of 30% output, providing intermittent, diluted and incredibly costly energy.

Duane J. Hyland nails this monumental hypocrisy…

“Environmentalists” would, in times past, raise the alarm at obstructions being built by the thousands across the land, but today the “Socio-Enviro-Emotionalists” salivate at the site of these rising monsters, believing they are “saving the planet.”

PA Pundits - International

Bolt New 01By Andrew Bolt ~

Energy Minister Josh Frydenberg warns that just to meet the renewable energy targets of the Labor states would cost us $41 billion and require another 4800 wind towers to wreck our views.

Clements Gap wind plant in South AustraliaClements Gap wind plant in South Australia

And as South Australia has now taught us: we’d still end up with electricity that goes out in a storm.:

Households are exposed to a $41 billion capital cost for state government promises to embrace renewable energy, according to new federal analysis…

The Queensland and Victorian governments would need to build the equivalent of 4800 wind turbines to meet their renewable energy targets under the scenario, which contradicts state claims the extra cost would amount to only “cents per week” for consumers.

Federal Energy Minister Josh Frydenberg will today press the states to rethink their renewable targets at a meeting in Melbourne that will hear from regulators…

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