The science deniers’ greatest hits

Read this to your “children’s, children, children” and one more “children” just so you believe me.


By Paul Homewood


From Climate Change Dispatch:


“And yet, it moves.”

Thus muttered Galileo Galilei under his breath, after being forced by the Inquisition to recant his claim that the Earth moved around the Sun, rather than the other way round. The public vindication of Copernican heliocentrism would have to wait another day.

Today, Galileo’s story is a well-known illustration of the dangers of both unchecked power and declaring scientific matters “settled.” Yet, throughout history, Galileo wasn’t alone.

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Wind farms undermine energy security, warns Aussie Government 

Tallbloke's Talkshop

Wind farm in South Australia [image credit:] Wind farm in South Australia [image credit:]
David Crowe in The Australian reports on the row about renewable energy policies in the wake of the storm that crashed South Australia’s entire state power grid. Phrases like ‘reality check’ and ‘sow the wind, reap the whirlwind’ spring to mind.

The Australian government will confront the states over the ­danger of statewide blackouts at an urgent meeting tomorrow to respond to the outage across South Australia last week, amid a furious political fight over ­whether wind farms helped cause the failure.

The states are being warned that their growing use of renewable energy will make their power networks more vulnerable to outages, leaving Australians at risk of blackouts from any repeat of last week’s ferocious storm.

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‘Unreliable’ Power Australia – Green Hypocrites Exposed By South Australia Storm

Excellent review of the blatant hypocrisy and lies used by politicians and proponents of unreliable-green energy in order to cover up and excuse the ‘green energy’ failure as the direct cause of the SA statewide blackout…

PA Pundits - International

Bolt New 01By Andrew Bolt ~

Wow, the hypocrisy. Check the global warmists now attacking Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull for making “political points” about the weather.

Pot, meet kettle. How we laughed.

Last week the Prime Minister pointed out South Australia had just lost its whole electricity supply in a storm despite having more wind power than anyone else.

Prime Minister Turnbull, (left) and Labor Party Leader Bill Shorten.Prime Minister Turnbull, (left) and Labor Party Leader Bill Shorten.

But that sane comment freaked out Labor Party Leader Bill Shorten.

Shorten is desperate to just blame the weather — a “super storm” with “cyclonic winds” — for blowing over some transmission towers and blacking out the whole state.

But these “cyclonic winds” didn’t reach even 100km/h in the affected areas. It seems the whole system may have tripped because a huge surge of coal-fired power had to be imported from Victoria to balance South Australia’s wildly gyrating wind power. Shorten knows…

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Australian electrical system operator orders wind farms to cut back production in wake of blackout

The great “green” energy fiasco, in bright lights, there for all to see – if you’re running reliable fossil fuel energy, that is!

Take note politicians, climate zealots and wind carpet-baggers.

The facts and evidence are irrefutable.

Watts Up With That?

Ten South Australian wind farms told to limit generation after statewide electricity blackout 


TEN South Australian wind farms have been ordered to limit generation in the wake of the disastrous statewide power blackout because the national electricity market operator has declared they have not performed properly.

The state’s biggest wind farm, at Snowtown, is among those which the Australian Energy Market Operator has targeted in its “management and analysis” of last Wednesday’s unprecedented power outage as it gradually restores the power network. The move will prompt further questions over whether renewable energy jeopardised electricity grid stability and triggered the cascading blackout, which started when fierce winds damaged 23 Mid North transmission towers and severed three high-voltage lines. –Paul Starick, The Advertiser, 4 October 2016

This comes on the heels of a damning report that says that the power instability of wind farms dropping out caused the grid to collapse…

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