Australian Energy Market Operator report says wind farms were the ultimate cause of blackout, network withstood pylon downings

Shock news.

Watts Up With That?

While ecos and wind farm proponents tried to blame the blackout on downed powerlines, a detailed report from AEMO shows it was actually wind farms that were the cause.

downed-pylons Electricity pylons near Melrose in South Australia’s Mid North were toppled in the storm Source: ABC News Australia

From the Institute of Public Affairs | Australia’s leading free market think tank


The Australian Energy Market Operator’s preliminary report into the recent South Australian blackout reveals that the primary reason for the total loss of power was a sudden reduction in wind power being fed into the electricity network, according to free market think tank the Institute of Public Affairs.

“The Preliminary Report makes it clear that while the weather was responsible for multiple transmission system faults, the blackout did not occur until after the sudden loss of 315 megawatts of…

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Germany’s ‘Energiewende’ Close to Kaput: Wind Power Fails to Deliver

Shock news.

Yet irrefutable hard-truths and trillions of dollars laid to waste, won’t stop climate ideologues and rent-seeking, subsidy sucking wind zealots from pushing the unreliable energy scam, until the whole industrialised world is brought to its knees…in the dark 🌚


German wind farm

More Headaches Than Power: Germany’s Wind Energy Fails To Deliver! “Energiewende Finished?”
No Tricks Zone
Pierre Gosselin
18 September 2016

The greatest obstacle to wind energy is its unreliable, weather-dependent supply. If the wind stops blowing, then it’s lights out!

Yet, proponents often claim the solution is offshore, for example out in the tempestuous North Sea. There the wind is always blowing, they like to tell us.

Unfortunately this too is turning out to be more myth the truth, as a recent hard-copy Spiegel report writes:

The hope that the North Sea wind parks would reliably generate power have not been fulfilled up to now. Last month provided an example. On nine days almost windless conditions were seen. On August 17 at times no megawatt of power output was measured.

Spiegel then reports that when the wind does get especially brisk, the power transmission facilities designed to deliver the power…

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DiCaprio Calls for “Deniers” to be Banned from Public Office: President Obama Stays Silent

When you hear such “don’t listen to any opposing views”, you know you’re listening to a con.

Carbon belching DiCaprio should answer these eleven questions if he is to be listened to as an informed climate spokesperson:

Otherwise he remains a virtue-signalling, eco-grandstanding, shameless, hypocrital, fashionable climate change elite.

Watts Up With That?

Screenshot of President Obama Listening while DiCaprio Calls for "Deniers" to be banned from public office. Screenshot of President Obama Listening while DiCaprio Calls for “Deniers” to be banned from public office.

Guest essay by Eric Worrall

Climate advocate Leonardo DiCaprio has called for climate “deniers” to be banned from public office. President Obama, sharing a stage with DiCaprio, did not object – Obama’s words in my opinion appear to actually lend some support to DiCaprio’s outrageous demand, for limiting the US people’s freedom to choose leaders who represent their views.

DiCaprio: Climate change doubters shouldn’t hold public office

Politicians who don’t believe in climate change should not hold public office, said actor Leonardo DiCaprio Monday at the White House before the screening of his new climate documentary.

“The scientific consensus is in and the argument is now over,” DiCaprio said at the White House’s South By South Lawn event.

If you do not believe in climate change, you do not believe in facts or…

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The Eleven Questions The Press Won’t Ask DiCaprio

Carbon belching DiCaprio should answer these eleven questions if he is to be listened to as an informed climate spokesperson.

Otherwise he remains a virtue-signalling, eco-grandstanding, shameless, hypocrital, fashionable climate change elite.


By Paul Homewood

Eleven questions that our supine press should be asking the hypocrite DiCaprio:

11 Questions the Press Must Ask Leonardo DiCaprio

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