Bad timing: Study Claiming Less Rain Published in the Middle of a Flood

From the department of “The Science is Settled”…

Watts Up With That?

Storm Brewing, Port Lincoln South Australia, 2013. Storm Brewing, Port Lincoln South Australia, 2013. By Jacqui Barker [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia CommonsGuest essay by Eric Worrall

A study led by ANU Professor Neville Abram, which claims climate is driving clouds south, resulting in less rain reaching Australia’s Southern Coast, has been published in the midst of massive flooding in South Australia. Greens of course blame climate change for the deluge.

The press release;

Australia’s west, south losing vital rain as climate change shifts winds, study finds

Rising greenhouse gases and ozone depletion over the Antarctic are increasingly pushing rain-bearing storm fronts away from Australia’s west and south, according to a new international study.

The research, which involved the Australian National University and 16 other institutions from around the world, has just been published in the Nature Climate Change journal.

It found Southern Ocean westerly winds and associated storms were shifting south, down…

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