Shocker: Top Google Engineers Say Renewable Energy ‘Simply won’t work’
Posted: August 21, 2016 Filed under: Green Energy, Renewables, Solar, Unreliables, Wind Farms | Tags: Google, Green Energy, Green Energy Failure, solar, Solar panels, unreliables, wind, Wind Farms Leave a commentAccording to Google engineers; solar, wind and other renewables will never in the foreseeable future deliver meaningful amounts of energy. (Shock news)
“Renewable energy technologies simply won’t work; we need a fundamentally different approach.”
Watts Up With That?
Guest essay by Eric Worrall
A research effort by Google corporation to make renewable energy viable has been a complete failure, according to the scientists who led the programme. After 4 years of effort, their conclusion is that renewable energy “simply won’t work”.
According to an interview with the engineers, published in IEEE;
“At the start of RE<C, we had shared the attitude of many stalwart environmentalists: We felt that with steady improvements to today’s renewable energy technologies, our society could stave off catastrophic climate change. We now know that to be a false hope …
Renewable energy technologies simply won’t work; we need a fundamentally different approach.”
There is simply no getout clause for renewables supporters. The people who ran the study are very much committed to the belief that CO2 is dangerous – they are supporters of James Hansen. Their sincere goal was not to simply install…
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