NASA Daily Arctic Fraud

Real Science

It has long been known by scientists that Iceland has gotten much colder since the Medieval Warm period, and that there was a spike in warming from 1900 to 1940, followed by a sharp drop back to the previous low.

Screenshot 2016-04-09 at 09.13.06 AM-down

26 Feb 1974, Page 29 – at

As of 2012, NASA showed Iceland temperatures accurately.


Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis

This didn’t suit NASA’s global warming agenda, so in 2013 they simply made the 1900 to 1940 warming disappear.


Having been called out on this numerous times, and angering the Icelandic Met Office, NASA has since put some of the spike back.

station (1)

Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis

The warming was very real. In 1939, the glaciers of Greenland and Norway faced “catastrophic collapse.”

Screenshot 2016-01-21 at 06.56.29 AM-down

17 Dec 1939, Page 15 – at

The subsequent cooling was also very real. By 1963 the glaciers of Norway were growing for the first time in…

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