“Green” Germany
Posted: March 28, 2016 Filed under: Failed Green Schemes, Fossil Fuels, Green Agenda, Green Energy, Renewables, Unreliables, Wind Farms | Tags: Baseload, coal fired power, Energiewende, Fossil Fuels, Green Agenda, Green Energy, Solar panels, unreliables, wind energy scam, Wind Farms, wind power 10 CommentsIDEOLOGICALLY aggressive “green” Germany has outlaid €1 Trillion Euros, of other people’s money, on Wind and Solar power, under the disastrous Energiewende program, only to undergo the biggest coal-fired power expansion in her history…
Green dream on ice as ‘coal frenzy’ grips Europe and renewables lose their attraction:
Germany’s wind and solar power production came to an almost complete standstill in early December. More than 23,000 wind turbines stood still. One million photovoltaic systems stopped work nearly completely. For a whole week coal, nuclear and gas power plants had to generate an estimated 95 percent of Germany’s electricity supply. –Daniel Wetzel, Die Welt, 24 December 2013
16th Centuy weather-dependent Windmills were abandoned centuries ago, for obvious reasons.
All they really do is relieve climate guilt for the gullible while diverting trillions of dollars of taxpayers money to rent-seeking eco-corporations. So much for ‘socialism’, in this case green-central planning, evening up the wealth gap!
[…] Green German Lies → […]
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[…] https://climatism.wordpress.com/2016/03/28/green-german-lies/ […]
[…] Shock news 🇩🇪🌱! And no wonder unrealiable-energy-obsessed Germany is reverting *back* to coal-fired power at record rates after its disastrous €Trillion “Energiewende” fail… https://climatism.wordpress.com/2016/03/28/green-german-lies/ […]
[…] https://climatism.wordpress.com/2016/03/28/green-german-lies/ […]
[…] Reblogged this on Climatism and commented: Shock news ! And no wonder unrealiable-energy-obsessed Germany is reverting *back* to coal-fired power at record rates after its disastrous €Trillion “Energiewende” fail… https://climatism.wordpress.com/2016/03/28/green-german-lies/ […]
I don’t think that they have spent other peoples money: they generate most of the EU’s wealth and can afford to throw some away. The fact is that they are using common sense while our leaders dive deeper into the mire. Without the CCA we would have low cost coal generation too: who’s the fool??
Renewable (unreliable) energy is ENTIRELY subsidized by the taxpayer.
If I’m wrong, stop the 110%+ subsidies and see how long they last against energy-dense (hydrocarbon) fuels.