goes dark – is it permanent?
Posted: November 21, 2015 Filed under: Uncategorized Leave a comment“The windmill is broken and the solar panels shorted out.”
(Comment: Gary – LOL)
Watts Up With That?
While few have noticed, since hardly anyone but the handful of extreme faithful visit there anymore, it seems that the website run by the climate alarmist cabal of Dr. Gavin Schmidt, Dr. Michael Mann, Dr. Stephan Rahmstorf, and others has gone dark this week. According to the “wayback machine” the last time the website was live was November 17th:
Now, it shows this, what appears to be a default page for a “parked domain”.
The domain is still registered, according to WHOIS:
‘Tis a puzzle, did Gavin or EMS forget to pay the hosting bill, have they given up, or is something else going on?
There’s no hint of why on Gavin’s Twitter feed:
Note to Gavin, this really doesn’t prevent me from reading your Twitter feed:
Hopefully we’ll find out the reason soon.
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Germany Opens Another New Coal Plant
Posted: November 21, 2015 Filed under: Uncategorized Leave a commentHalf a trillion un-renewable €uros later, Germany realises that on some days, the wind don’t blow and on others, the sun don’t shine!
By Paul Homewood
h/t Green Sand
From the GWPF:
On Thursday in the Hamburg suburb of Moorburg, Hamburg’s mayor Olaf Scholz, a leading figure in Germany’s Social Democratic Party (SPD), stood alongside Magnus Hall, president of Swedish energy utility Vattenfall, and pushed a big button.
The button-pushing symbolized Vattenfall’s ceremonial opening of a 1,600 Megawatt (MW) coal-fired power plant that had been under construction for eight years – despite heated opposition from Germany’s greens, who want the country to exit from coal altogether.
One day earlier, in London, the UK government had announced a ten-year plan to close down all remaining coal-fired power stations in Britain. At the very same time as UK politicians were basking in the resulting applause, Scholz’s fellow Social Democrat, Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel, the leader of the SPD and the country’s minister of economy and energy, sat in a Berlin conference room absorbing some…
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Terrorism and a cold winter refugee crisis
Posted: November 21, 2015 Filed under: Uncategorized Leave a comment“It would be an unconscionable crime against humanity, if the nations gathering in Paris implement policies to protect our planet’s energy-deprived masses from hypothetical manmade climate disasters decades from now, by perpetuating poverty and disease that kill millions more people tomorrow.”
The big i-r-o-n-y right there.
Watts Up With That?
A brutal cold spell could kill refugees. Paris COP21 delegates need to discuss this climate issue.
A youngster braces against the cold at a camp for Syrian refugees in Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley after the first winter snows fell in 2013. photo: Reuters
Guest essay by Paul Driessen and Joe D’Aleo
Even after the latest Paris massacres – and previous radical Islamist atrocities in the USA, France, Britain, Canada, Spain, India, Iraq, Syria, Nigeria and elsewhere – politicians absurdly say hypothetical manmade global warming is the greatest threat facing humanity. In reality, fossil fuel contributions to climate change pose few dangers to people or planet, and winters kill 20 times more people than hot weather.
After being assured snowy winters would soon be something only read about in history books, Europe was shaken by five brutally cold winters this past decade. Thousands died, because they were homeless, lived in drafty homes…
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