UK’s Wind ‘Powered’ Disaster: Britain to Roll Out Thousands of Diesel Generators for 1.5GW of Wind Farm ‘Back-Up’
Posted: November 17, 2015 Filed under: Uncategorized Leave a commentUK wind and solar firms turning to diesel power to get subsidies. Oh the irony. LOL
The climate scam really is that green ($).
It’s either spending £billions on 1.5GW worth of these, or …..
Thanks to its ludicrous wind rush, Britain is reeling with a combination of skyrocketing power prices and a grid on the brink of total collapse:
Another Wind Power Collapse has Britain Scrambling to Keep its Lights On (Again)
Now, in the mother of all ironies, Brits are turning to the most inefficient and costly to run source of commercial power generation there is: diesel generators. Not, as it turns out, that they have much choice in the matter.
UK turns to diesel to meet power supply crunch
Financial Times
Kiran Stacey
3 November 2015
Britain is set to grant hundreds of millions of pounds in subsidies to highly polluting diesel generators as a way to help solve the energy supply crunch facing the country over the next 15 years.
Analysis of publicly available figures shows that companies have…
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