Record Arctic Ice Growth Continues

If you didn’t believe in the climate scam, you should understand how it operates now…

In-your-face lies from activist scientists and their environmental extremist media outlets.

And yet another glaring example of why eco-agenda driven media outlets like The Guardian and The New York Times are the last places on earth to read the truth on ‘global warming’.

Real Science

Arctic sea ice continues its record growth this autumn, having gained four million km² since September 1 after the shortest melt season on record.


Ocean and Ice Services | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

Land ice has also grown at a record rate since September 1, with Greenland gaining about three billion tons of ice a day since September 1.


Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Mass Budget: DMI 

Meanwhile, climate scientists demand racketeering money, as they continue to lie about the condition of the Arctic and man’s ability to influence it.


Arctic ice melting faster and earlier as scientists demand action | Environment | The Guardian

2015-11-07-03-43-54 Greenland Is Melting Away – The New York Times

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