Are Aussie Politicians Plotting to Degrade Democratic Choice on Carbon Pricing?
Posted: November 8, 2015 Filed under: Uncategorized Leave a commentWriting letters of dissent to your local MP is effective as will be rejecting new PM Turnbull’s draconian climate agenda, at the by-election of former treasurer (and sceptic) Joe Hockey’s ‘North Sydney’ seat on December 5, 2015.
NB, Pro Carbon Tax/ETS and new PM MalcolmTurnbull is, “In”. Climate Sceptic and knifed PM, Tony Abbott is, “Out”.
Watts Up With That?
Guest essay by Eric Worrall
It didn’t take long for Australia’s new Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to tear up his promise to keep Abbott’s climate policies. Now Turnbull appears to have taken the next step.
Australians voted overwhelmingly against carbon pricing in the last Federal Election, but for some strange reason carbon pricing now seems to be back on the agenda again – except this time, the major Australian Political parties may be planning to present a seamless non choice to Australian voters.
According to The Guardian;
Leaders from business, welfare, the conservation movement, the electricity sector and the union movement have moved to try to fill Australia’s climate policy vacuum by starting a new slogan-free debate to help political parties find workable greenhouse policies.
Mirroring the Turnbull government’s tax debate, in which all policy options are back “on the table”, the groups commissioned major consultancies to present on…
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