Wind Industry’s Armageddon: Wind Farm Output Collapse Leaves 110,000 South Australian Homes & Businesses Powerless
Posted: November 8, 2015 Filed under: Failed Green Schemes, Green Agenda, Green Energy, Unreliables, Wind Farms | Tags: COP21, South Australia, unreliables, wind, Wind Farms Leave a commentAnd reality sets in …
Pinning a massive blackout on plummeting
wind power output is elementary, my dear Watson.
STT could be forgiven for being just a little smug after events unfolded last Sunday night (1 November 2015) in Australia’s “Wind Farm Capital”, South Australia.
As our post – Wind Power Disaster Unfolds: SA Facing Total Blackouts, Rocketing Power Prices & Thousands More Chopped from the Grid – was being put together for an airing on Monday, unbeknownst to STT – a bit after 10pm on Sunday – 110,000 South Australian homes and businesses were plunged into darkness.
STT’s SA operatives were quick off the mark, informing us of their unscheduled trip to the Dark Ages – with emails and comments on that post.
Without warning, traffic lights were dimmed to dangerous pointlessness; street lights were out, leaving less surefooted and vulnerable pedestrians creeping home nervously in the dark; hotel, cinema and restaurant owners…
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Are Aussie Politicians Plotting to Degrade Democratic Choice on Carbon Pricing?
Posted: November 8, 2015 Filed under: Uncategorized Leave a commentWriting letters of dissent to your local MP is effective as will be rejecting new PM Turnbull’s draconian climate agenda, at the by-election of former treasurer (and sceptic) Joe Hockey’s ‘North Sydney’ seat on December 5, 2015.
NB, Pro Carbon Tax/ETS and new PM MalcolmTurnbull is, “In”. Climate Sceptic and knifed PM, Tony Abbott is, “Out”.
Watts Up With That?
Guest essay by Eric Worrall
It didn’t take long for Australia’s new Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to tear up his promise to keep Abbott’s climate policies. Now Turnbull appears to have taken the next step.
Australians voted overwhelmingly against carbon pricing in the last Federal Election, but for some strange reason carbon pricing now seems to be back on the agenda again – except this time, the major Australian Political parties may be planning to present a seamless non choice to Australian voters.
According to The Guardian;
Leaders from business, welfare, the conservation movement, the electricity sector and the union movement have moved to try to fill Australia’s climate policy vacuum by starting a new slogan-free debate to help political parties find workable greenhouse policies.
Mirroring the Turnbull government’s tax debate, in which all policy options are back “on the table”, the groups commissioned major consultancies to present on…
View original post 464 more words
No one leaving this “sinking” island. So what gives?
Posted: November 8, 2015 Filed under: Alarmism Debunked, Climate Refugees, Sea Level Rise | Tags: bill shorten, Climate Change Scam, COP21, Kiribati, Road To Paris, sea level rise Leave a comment“We live in constant fear of the adverse impacts of climate change. For a coral atoll nation, sea level rise and more severe weather events loom as a growing threat to our entire population. The threat is real and serious, and is of no difference to a slow and insidious form of terrorism against us.“
– Saufatu Sopoanga, fmr Prime Minister of Tuvalu, at the 58th Session of the United Nations General Assembly New York, 24th September 2003
“No matter if the science of global warming is all phony…
climate change provides the greatest opportunity to
bring about justice and equality in the world.”
– Christine Stewart,
former Canadian Minister of the Environment
Via Herald Sun | Andrew Bolt :
Al Gore claimed climate refugees were fleeing drown Pacific islands. Bill Shorten visited Kiribati this week to see for himself the great danger.
Yet the islanders don’t seem to feel in any imminent danger at all:
The New Zealand immigration department sets aside 75 places a year in a lottery for migrants from Kiribati, and at the moment it can’t fill them. President Anote Tong suggests that is because things aren’t desperate enough yet.
No, they aren’t. Not when 80 per cent of those “sinking” Pacific and Indian Ocean islands are in fact growing or stable
See Also :
- Climate Change Sea Level Rise Extortion | Climatism
Related :
- Pacific islands growing, not sinking
- Shape-shifting islands defy sea-level rise
- Look at this other drowning island, the Global Mail writer insisted. So I did…
- Theories Fail To Take Atoll
- Connect The Dots On Climate Change … Alarmism | Climatism
For scientific data exposing Pacific and Indian Ocean Island nations Sea-Level rise opportunism, see here :
- 44th Pacific “Sinking Islands” Extortion Forum | Climatism
Record Arctic Ice Growth Continues
Posted: November 8, 2015 Filed under: Uncategorized Leave a commentIf you didn’t believe in the climate scam, you should understand how it operates now…
In-your-face lies from activist scientists and their environmental extremist media outlets.
And yet another glaring example of why eco-agenda driven media outlets like The Guardian and The New York Times are the last places on earth to read the truth on ‘global warming’.
Real Science
Arctic sea ice continues its record growth this autumn, having gained four million km² since September 1 after the shortest melt season on record.
Ocean and Ice Services | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut
Land ice has also grown at a record rate since September 1, with Greenland gaining about three billion tons of ice a day since September 1.
Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Mass Budget: DMI
Meanwhile, climate scientists demand racketeering money, as they continue to lie about the condition of the Arctic and man’s ability to influence it.
Arctic ice melting faster and earlier as scientists demand action | Environment | The Guardian
Greenland Is Melting Away – The New York Times
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