“They Attribute” It To Global Warming

The worst outcome for gobal warming alarmists like Chad Blair who deal in blatant lies, to push their agenda, is being guilty of an excess of virtue.

The best outcome for people who question the blatant lies, with facts, evidence and “real science”, is to be labelled a ‘denier’.

Global warming worship displays all the hallmarks of a religious cult. A good example here.

Real Science


Literally Washing Away

The cemetery, located near Rita on the west end of Majuro, has been eroding for a decade or more, islanders say, something they attribute in part to global warming. The ocean inundations are larger and occurring with greater frequency. In Laura, on the east side of the atoll, one cemetery is reported to be already underwater.

Global Warming: The Effects of Climate Change in Micronesia

These people attribute their problems to global warming, and the author of the article is happy to push their propaganda. Chad Blair didn’t bother to check that sea level has been falling there for the past four years, and is the lowest in 17 years.

2015-10-27-04-50-23Interactive Sea Level Time Series Wizard | CU Sea Level Research Group

Chad Blair believes that building windmills in Kansas will stop the land from sinking in Micronesia.

The identical phenomenon was occurring in the Maldives two hundred years…

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