How a liberal vegan environmentalist made the switch from climate proponent to climate skeptic

Watts Up With That?

Hint: He did his homework, then took himself to the other side of the debate.


Guest essay by David Siegel

siegel-pixMy name is David Siegel. I’m not a climate expert; I’m a writer. Early in 2015, I became interested in climate science and decided to spend the better part of this year trying to learn what I could. It didn’t take long before it was clear that there isn’t likely going to be any catastrophic warming this century. What was clear is that skeptics are losing this battle, and I want to tell you why.

For thirty years, James Hansen and Al Gore have been building their PR machine along with David Fenton, the wizard of nonprofit PR. They understand that the messenger is more important than the message. People don’t easily change their minds. People get their opinions from “experts” and brand names like NASA, MIT, Harvard, TIME, The…

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Je Suis Charlie? French Weatherman Dumped For Questioning The Global Warming Faith

Welcome to the modern-day ‘Medieval Inquisition’…

PA Pundits - International

Bolt New 01By Andrew Bolt ~

Je Suis Charlie Philippe!

No wonder so few scientists dare speak out against this cult:

PhilippeVerdier Philippe Verdier – France 2

Every night, France’s chief weatherman has told the nation how much wind, sun or rain they can expect the following day.

Now Philippe Verdier, a household name for his nightly forecasts on France 2, has been taken off air after a more controversial announcement – criticising the world’s top climate change experts.

Mr Verdier claims in the book Climat Investigation (Climate Investigation) that leading climatologists and political leaders have “taken the world hostage” with misleading data.

In a promotional video, Mr Verdier said: “Every night I address five million French people to talk to you about the wind, the clouds and the sun. And yet there is something important, very important that I haven’t been able to tell you, because it’s neither the time nor the…

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