Wind Power Investment Collapses in Sweden, Denmark, Finland & Norway

If Greens love nature, why aren’t they more concerned about carpeting unspoilt, pristine landscapes and fragile ecosystems with industrial wind turbines?

And why aren’t the ‘compassionate’ Left, who push the wind scam, thanks to brilliantly crafted ‘global warming’ alarmist campaigns, more concerned about the massive wealth transfer from poor and middle class consumers and taxpayers to those nasty “1%” billionaires and corporations who are raking in still more billions?

And then the bubble bursts and the wind-scam reality is exposed…
“When you’re trying to sell a ‘product’ with no commercial value, the ‘business’ – for want of a better word – can only be about what you can extract from gullible/compliant governments (and unwitting power consumers), in the form of massive and endless subsidies.”


Vestas turbine on fire Vesta’s Scandinavian marketing plan, goes up in smoke …


When the wind industry and its worshippers start chanting their mantras about the ‘wonders’ of wind, it isn’t long before they start preaching about the examples purportedly set by the Europeans; and, in particular the Nordic nations.

That the wind power fraud was driven by Denmark’s struggling turbine maker, Vestas probably has a fair bit to do with the worshippers’ fanatic-cult-like veneration of Scandinavia.

But, hold the phone?

It seems that economics works in precisely the same fashion in Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Norway, as just about everywhere else (save Cuba and North Korea, say?).

When you’re trying to sell a ‘product’ with no commercial value, the ‘business’ – for want of a better word – can only be about what you can extract from gullible/compliant governments (and unwitting power consumers), in the form of massive and endless subsidies.


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If the Wind’s not Blowing – the Fans aren’t Going

Wind power is like your job – it blows in the morning and it sucks in the afternoon.

From the study:

“Wind turbines must be backed up by the equivalent capacity of conventional fossil – fired power stations, thus largely negating any fuel savings or reductions in CO2 emissions.”

So all industrial wind farms do is; destroy pristine landscapes, kill birds and bats and make rent-seeking corporatists very rich. All-the-while creating widespread energy poverty.

We certainly do live in an age of collective madness.


yacht Sails safely stowed as the wind takes another well earned break.


STT has – once or twice – pointed out the bald meteorological FACT that the wind can be safely relied on for one thing only – that, at some point, it will inevitably stop blowing.

Just when, and for how long, is the fundamental and insoluble problem with wind power.

We’ve reported on the fine efforts of Paul Miskelly to tip a bucket on the well-worn MYTH that – with fans spread far and wide across 4 Australian States (NSW, Victoria, Tasmania and SA) – the wind will always be blowing somewhere, such that wind power can be considered a substitute for on-demand power sources, like hydro. See our posts here and here and here.

Now here’s a summary of a great little study done by Derek Partington on the intermittency of wind power in the UK.

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