Svensmark: “global warming stopped and a cooling is beginning” – “enjoy global warming while it lasts”

The UN, IPCC and 97% of all global warming alarmist scientists and politicians, believe that the sun plays *no* role, at all, in ‘climate change’.

They believe colourless, odourless, plant food ‘CO2’ is the ultimate “climate control knob”.

But I would have you believe that too if I wanted to control the use of your cheap, reliable and efficient carbon based energy supply, of which, the number one byproduct is of course ….. CO2.

Watts Up With That?

UPDATED: This opinion piece from Professor Henrik Svensmark was published September 9th in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten. Originally the translation was from Google translation with some post translation cleanup of jumbled words or phrases by myself. Now as of Sept 12, the translation is by Nigel Calder.  Hat tip to Carsten Arnholm of Norway for bringing this to my attention and especially for translation facilitation by Ágúst H Bjarnason – Anthony

Catainia photosphere image August 31st, 2009 - click for larger image

While the sun sleeps

Translation approved by Henrik Svensmark

While the Sun sleeps
Henrik Svensmark, Professor, Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen

“In fact global warming has stopped and a cooling is beginning. No climate model has predicted a cooling of the Earth – quite the contrary. And this means that the projections of future climate are unreliable,” writes Henrik Svensmark.

The star that keeps us alive has, over the last few years, been almost free of sunspots, which are…

View original post 1,245 more words

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