Shameless Scamsters

“Make no mistake about it. You are witnessing the biggest criminal fraud in history,”

Indeed, sadly, we are.

Real Science

ScreenHunter_235 Jul. 20 16.02

The climate criminals cool the past, and warm the present. Then they make claims about record heat. Intellectual filth of the very worst kind.


.The surface temperature record looks nothing like it did 40 years ago.

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And the surface temperature record looks nothing like the more accurate satellite record.

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Make no mistake about it. You are witnessing the biggest criminal fraud in history, and it is being directed from the White House.

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4 Comments on “Shameless Scamsters”

  1. Scottish Sceptic says:

    It’s only a matter of time before they find themselves in court.


    • Climatism says:

      You’d think so. The court of ‘nature’ in its 18th+ year of trial now…. but guess that is why they keep corrupting the data! Plain to see really.


  2. rhymeafterrhyme says:

    They’ve got themselves in a hole
    And they need to stop digging,
    The data recordings
    They need to stop rigging,
    A return to honest science
    Is urgently needed,
    But are they too radicalised
    For that call to be heeded?

    Liked by 1 person

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