THE Sierra Club’s Broken Moral Compass

Big Picture News, Informed Analysis

The Sierra Club took fossil fuel money. Lots of it. How dare it falsely accuse other people of doing this.

sierraclub_dirtyfuels .

Almost exactly a year ago, Time magazine revealed that the Sierra Club had secretly taken

over $25 million in donations from the gas industry, mostly from… Chesapeake Energy – one of the biggest gas drilling companies in the U.S…. [backup link]

Time’s environmental activist reporter, Bryan Walsh, tried his best to spin the story. He portrayed America’s “oldest environmental group” as a passive victim to which embarrassing things just happen.

You see, the Sierra Club doesn’t make strategic decisions with its eyes wide open. Its well-paid executives didn’t calculate, assess, weigh the pros and cons, and then pursue a course of action for which that organization deserves to be held morally answerable.

According to Walsh’s account, the poor little Sierra Club merely sashays through life until one…

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Largest December Arctic Sea Ice Extent In A Decade

Real Science

Arctic sea ice has reached the largest December extent in a decade. Government experts will of course not acknowledge this, because their funding and reputations depend on a misinformed public and Congress.

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Ocean and Ice Services | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

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A Christmas Gift From Dr. Bill Gray

A must read…thank you Dr Gray!

Real Science

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Dr Bill Gray from CSU is a good friend, the most widely recognized hurricane forecaster, and one of the most senior global warming skeptics. He recognized the problems of global warming theory decades earlier than most former true believers like myself.  In 1996, CSU’s Bill Gray correctly predicted weak cooling for the next 20-30 years.

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As a special Christmas gift, Dr. Gray has provided us an essay with of some the atmospheric knowledge he has accumulated over the past seven decades. Better than a university education, at a much lower cost! And it is OK to open this gift a day early.


Stop Climate Fear Mongering –

CO2 Increases Can Cause Only Minimal Warming

by William M. Gray

Professor Emeritus

Colorado State University

(see project website for background on author –

December 23, 2014


The massively funded international global warming movement has grossly exaggerated the threat from CO

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Google goes off the climate change deep end


Watts Up With That?

google-logoChairman Eric Schmidt should heed his own advice – and base energy policies on facts

Guest essay by Paul Driessen and Chris Skates

In a recent interview with National Public Radio host Diane Rehm, Google Chairman Eric Schmidt said his company “has a very strong view that we should make decisions in politics based on facts. And the facts of climate change are not in question anymore. Everyone understands climate change is occurring, and the people who oppose it are really hurting our children and our grandchildren and making the world a much worse place. We should not be aligned with such people. They’re just literally lying.”

While he didn’t vilify us by name, Mr. Schmidt was certainly targeting us, the climate scientists who collect and summarize thousands of articles for the NIPCC’sClimate Change Reconsidered reports, the hundreds who participate in Heartland Institute climate conferences, and the 31,487…

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