Met Office Back Lying About The Climate Again
Posted: December 10, 2014 Filed under: Uncategorized 1 CommentReal Science
Heat Waves in Europe Will Increase, Study Finds
PARIS — In June 2003, a high-pressure weather system took hold over Western Europe and hovered there for weeks, bringing warm tropical air to the region and making that summer the hottest since at least 1540, the year King Henry VIII discarded his fourth wife, Anne of Cleves.
Temperatures were about 2.3 degrees Celsius, or 4.1 degrees Fahrenheit, above average that summer, contributing to perhaps 70,000 additional deaths and hitting the elderly particularly hard. The heat was a factor in the outbreak of forest fires and in lower than usual crop yields. It caused Alpine glaciers to shrink at a rate double that seen in the previous record summer, five years earlier.
Now, three scientists from the Met Office, the British weather agency, have concluded that human-caused global warming is going to make European summer heat…
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US Drought At Historically Low Levels
Posted: December 10, 2014 Filed under: Uncategorized Leave a commentReal Science
Contrary to the lies of climate experts, US drought is near historically low levels. The animation below flashes between December 2014 and December 1963
By the end of the month, the drought in the west will be further reduced.
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Near Record Sea Ice During The Hottest Year Ever
Posted: December 10, 2014 Filed under: Uncategorized Leave a commentReal Science
The amount of sea ice on Earth is not far from a record high, as NCDC declares it the hottest year ever.
NCDC doesn’t actually have any idea what the temperature is near the poles, but that doesn’t stop them from making fake claims about “hottest year ever.”
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