John Holdren: Abuse of Office, Power, and Science for a Political Agenda

For more on ‘environmentalist’ John Holdren and the myth of ‘over-population’ see:

  • “In Searching For A New Enemy To Unite Us, We Came Up With The Threat Of Global Warming” | Climatism


Watts Up With That?

Guest opinion by Dr. Tim Ball

Recently, in reply to a charge that John Holdren made false claims about climate change by Sam Kazman of the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI), the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) ruled he was expressing his “personal opinion” not “a comprehensive review of the scientific literature”. The charge is correct and the ruling false. It may be his personal opinion, but it was given from the White House in his position as adviser to the President.

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The World is Wearying of Climate Catastrophism

Watts Up With That?

Maurice Newman, an influential Australian Government Advisor, attacks Climate Alarmism

Maurice Newman, Chairman of the Prime Minister’s Business Advisory Council, has published a scathing attack on climate alarmism in “The Australian”, a prominent Aussie daily newspaper.

According to Newman, the world is wearying of constant catastrophism.

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Climate burnout is fast approaching

Watts Up With That?

Ben Webster in The Times writes:

Alarmist claims about the impact of global warming are contributing to a loss of trust in climate scientists, an inquiry has found.

Apocalyptic language has been used about greenhouse gas emissions as “a deliberate strategy by some to engage public interest”. However, trying to make people reduce emissions by frightening them has “harmful consequences” because they often respond suspiciously or decide the issue is “too scary to think about”.

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