Welcome To The Gulag

Real Science

All the warning signs are here.

  • Scientists being funded to create a big lie
  • Brown shirts being whipped up into hysteria over the big lie
  • Kook and Nutter funded by government to create a fraudulent 97% consensus for climate disaster
  • Concept of jailing dissidents being floated
  • Rule of law being constantly subverted by the White House
  • No effort to stop any of this by the loyal opposition

The warning signs are written all over the wall. Don’t make any mistake about where they are attempting to take this thing. Climate change has nothing to do with science.

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Alarmists Want To Make Science Illegal

Real Science

Anyone who makes an alarmist prediction may not be questioned. If the Mayan Calendar says the world is coming to an end on December 20, 2012 – and then it actually happens. Who would want to be culpable for questioning it?

Likewise, when the eminent Dr. Paul Ehrlich said that we would all be dead by 1980, what if turned out that he was correct? Same for the CIA’s dire warnings of global cooling in 1974.

If an alarmist says something bad is going to happen, you should be required by law to listen to them.

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