Bloggies 2014 finalists

Tallbloke's Talkshop

Voting for the Bloggies 2014

  • Saturday, March 1
    Finalists are announced and voting reopens to all to choose the winners.
  • Sunday, March 23
    10:00 PM EDT
    Voting closes.
  • Monday, March 31
    8:00 PM EDT
    Winners are announced and the Weblog of the Year receives a prize of 2,014 US cents (US$20.14).

Lets have a look focussing on blogs we know well, no offence meant to others.

Bloggies 2014 finalists (list at end of page there)

Weblog of the Year
*No Frakking Consensus
Quirky Chrissy
Travel Geek Magazine
The Modern Nomad
*Watts Up With That?

View original post 156 more words

One Comment on “Bloggies 2014 finalists”

  1. A.D. Everard says:

    I got my votes in. šŸ™‚


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