Socialism Masquerading As Environmentalism

If we don’t overthrow capitalism, we don’t have a chance of
saving the world ecologically. I think it is possible to have
an ecologically sound society under socialism.
I don’t think it is possible under capitalism
– Judi Bari,
principal organiser of Earth First

Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the
industrialized civilizations collapse?
Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about
– Maurice Strong,
founder of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP)


Image Source : Green agenda has parallels with excesses of communism | Herald Sun


“Global Warming” has long abandoned any connection it has with actual science. It is an ideology. A religion. Australia’s new Prime Minister Tony Abbott likening it to, “socialism masquerading as environmentalism“.

“No matter if the science of global warming is all phony… climate change provides the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world.” – Christine Stewart, former Canadian Minister of the Environment

American Pulitzer Prize-winning syndicated columnist, Charles Krauthammer, articulates the motivation behind modern environmentalism. A movement using the threat of environmental disaster to limit the use of energy, shut down economies and advance socialism.

There’s no greater social power than the power to ration. And, other than rationing food, there is no greater instrument of social control than rationing energy, the currency of just about everything one does and uses in an advanced society.

Carbon Chastity

By Charles Krauthammer
The Washington Post

Friday, May 30, 2008

I’m not a global warming believer. I’m not a global warming denier. I’m a global warming agnostic who believes instinctively that it can’t be very good to pump lots of CO2 into the atmosphere but is equally convinced that those who presume to know exactly where that leads are talking through their hats.

Predictions of catastrophe depend on models. Models depend on assumptions about complex planetary systems — from ocean currents to cloud formation — that no one fully understands. Which is why the models are inherently flawed and forever changing. The doomsday scenarios posit a cascade of events, each with a certain probability. The multiple improbability of their simultaneous occurrence renders all such predictions entirely speculative.

BdufIaXCAAAmOPTYet on the basis of this speculation, environmental activists, attended by compliant scientists and opportunistic politicians, are advocating radical economic and social regulation. “The largest threat to freedom, democracy, the market economy and prosperity,” warns Czech President Vaclav Klaus, “is no longer socialism. It is, instead, the ambitious, arrogant, unscrupulous ideology of environmentalism.”

If you doubt the arrogance, you haven’t seen that Newsweek cover story that declared the global warming debate over. Consider: If Newton’s laws of motion could, after 200 years of unfailing experimental and experiential confirmation, be overthrown, it requires religious fervor to believe that global warming — infinitely more untested, complex and speculative — is a closed issue.

But declaring it closed has its rewards. It not only dismisses skeptics as the running dogs of reaction, i.e., of Exxon, Cheney and now Klaus. By fiat, it also hugely re-empowers the intellectual left.

For a century, an ambitious, arrogant, unscrupulous knowledge class — social planners, scientists, intellectuals, experts and their left-wing political allies — arrogated to themselves the right to rule either in the name of the oppressed working class (communism) or, in its more benign form, by virtue of their superior expertise in achieving the highest social progress by means of state planning (socialism).

Two decades ago, however, socialism and communism died rudely, then were buried forever by the empirical demonstration of the superiority of market capitalism everywhere from Thatcher’s England to Deng’s China, where just the partial abolition of socialism lifted more people out of poverty more rapidly than ever in human history.

Just as the ash heap of history beckoned, the intellectual left was handed the ultimate salvation: environmentalism. Now the experts will regulate your life not in the name of the proletariat or Fabian socialism but — even better — in the name of Earth itself.

Environmentalists are Gaia’s priests, instructing us in her proper service and casting out those who refuse to genuflect. (See Newsweek above.) And having proclaimed the ultimate commandment — carbon chastity — they are preparing the supporting canonical legislation that will tell you how much you can travel, what kind of light you will read by, and at what temperature you may set your bedroom thermostat.

Only Monday, a British parliamentary committee proposed that every citizen be required to carry a carbon card that must be presented, under penalty of law, when buying gasoline, taking an airplane or using electricity. The card contains your yearly carbon ration to be drawn down with every purchase, every trip, every swipe.

There’s no greater social power than the power to ration. And, other than rationing food, there is no greater instrument of social control than rationing energy, the currency of just about everything one does and uses in an advanced society.

Full Story »

* Article published in 2008, at the height of ‘Global Warming’ hysteria. Six years on, with Global Warming in hiatus now for 17 years, Krauthammer’s message holds perhaps further relevance.

* Links and Image added by Climatism.



Krauthammer on Obama’s “settled science”

The arrogance – the stupidity – of people who claim global warming science is “settled”.


Krauthammer on Global Warming as a Religion and Corruption of the Scientific method.

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Debate over climate change gets heated | Fox News Video (3:20)



Heating up: Climate change advocates try to silence Krauthammer

Charles Krauthammer says it right up front in his Washington Post column: “I’m not a global warming believer. I’m not a global warming denier.”

He does, however, challenge the notion that the science on climate change is settled and says those who insist otherwise are engaged in “a crude attempt to silence critics and delegitimize debate.”

How ironic, then, that some environmental activists launched a petition urging the Post not to publish Krauthammer’s column on Friday.

Their response to opinions they disagree with is to suppress the speech.

Full Story


See also :

  • Carl Sagan Explains Why Barack Obama Tries To Silence Skeptics | Climatism
  • Sleepwalking to extinction, or maybe communism? | Climatism
  • Green Agenda Has Parallels With Excesses Of Communism | Climatism
  • “Scientists” claim Permanent Recession and World Socialism needed to tackle Threat of Global Warming
  • “In Searching For A New Enemy To Unite Us, We Came Up With The Threat Of Global Warming” | Climatism

United Nations :

  • UN Climate Chief Says Communism Is Best To Fight Global Warming | Climatism
  • Australia to UN: no more “socialism masquerading as environmentalism” « Australian Climate Madness
  • U.N. Official Admits: We Redistribute World’s Wealth by Climate Policy |
  • Shock news : UN Carbon Regime Would Devastate Humanity | Climatism
  • Shock News : UN Wants To Ban Private Property And Create “Human Habitat Settlement Zones” | Climatism
  • Sustainability is Malthusianism for the 21st Century | Climatism
  • United Nations Agenda 21 : The Death Knell of Liberty | Climatism

Science Related :

  • Global Warming Is The Greatest And Most Successful Pseudoscientific Fraud In History | Climatism
  • Global Warming Was Never About Science. It Was Always About Power And Money | Climatism
  • South China Morning Post : People would be idiotic not to question climate science | Climatism
  • Charles Krauthammer: The myth of ‘settled science’ – The Washington Post
  • Climate Scientists 95% Sure The Science Is Unsettled | Climatism
  • The Worst Scientific Scandal Of Our Generation | Climatism
  • Bureaucratic Dioxide | Climatism
  • Establishing Propaganda Is Vital For Climate Action | Climatism

The Future Of Energy – Nuclear :

  • Want to kill fewer people? Go nuclear | The Age
  • Fusion Advance Demonstrates Value of Long-Haul Energy Research –
  • Godfather Of Global Warming Alarmism James Hansen Admits Renewable Energy Is A ‘Nice Idea’ Though Useless | Climatism
  • Shock News : Green Energy Not Fit for the Grid | Climatism

Quote Source – The Green Agenda

One Of The Most Impressive Bits Of Data Tampering

Sea Level Rise Related :

  • Rate of global sea level rise decelerating this century
  • No Sea Level Rise Along The Western Coast Of North America Since The Start Of Satellite Records
  • Scientists Find That Sea Level Rise Is Much Slower Than Expected…No Human Fingerprint
  • Global Sea Level Trend – 1.08 mm/year  – NOAA records
  • NEW PAPER : The global mean sea level started decelerated rising since 2004 with the rising rate 1.8 ± 0.9 mm/yr in 2012.
  • NEW PAPER : Sea level rise slowed from 2004 – Deceleration, not acceleration as CO2 rises.
  • NEW PAPER : New paper finds global sea levels rising at only 7 inches per century or 1.5mm/yr – THE HOCKEY SCHTICK
  • Pacific Island Nations Are Growing Not Sinking
  • The Maldives Are Not ‘Sinking’, They Are In Fact ‘Growing’

Real Science

The most sophisticated satellite for measuring sea level was the EU’s Envisat. It was delivering non-scary data, so they killed off the satellite and altered the pre-existing data to nearly triple the rate of sea level rise.

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