A must read: Why Secretary of State John Kerry Is Flat Wrong on Climate Change

When John Kerry (who opposed Kyoto) kicks-off his speech with a quote from the creator, fabricator and proponent of global warming, UNEP’s Maurice Strong, you know propaganda and green myths will surely follow …

UPDATE : Washington Post Slams Kerry For Pushing Obama’s Climate BS | Real Science

Watts Up With That?

By Dr. Richard McNider and Dr. John Christy


In a Feb. 16 speech in Indonesia, Secretary of State John Kerry assailed climate-change skeptics as members of the “Flat Earth Society” for doubting the reality of catastrophic climate change. He said,

“We should not allow a tiny minority of shoddy scientists” and “extreme ideologues to compete with scientific facts.”

But who are the Flat Earthers, and who is ignoring the scientific facts?

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Obama Plays Water-Guzzling Desert Golf Courses Amid California Drought

“We have seen this brand of hypocrisy from President Obama before — this time it seems his soapbox doubles as a tee box,” said RNC spokeswoman Kirsten Kukowski

A Consistent Pattern Of Data Tampering Across The Planet

Real Science

NASA has corrupted the temperature record across the entire planet, in order to create the appearance of warming. The graph below shows US temperatures – Hansen 1999 in blue, and GISS in red. The graphs are normalized to the 1997 five year mean lines.

ScreenHunter_205 Feb. 20 06.49

NASA GISS: Science Briefs: Whither U.S. Climate?

Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis: Analysis Graphs and Plots

The next four graphs show how GISS has cooled the past globally, and at all three latitude bands since Hansen 1981.

ScreenHunter_203 Feb. 20 06.35ScreenHunter_202 Feb. 20 06.32ScreenHunter_195 Feb. 20 06.14ScreenHunter_192 Feb. 20 06.04


Similarly, NOAA (red) has cooled the US past since their 1990 report (black)



The most damning graph of all though is the one below, showing how NOAA (red) is cooling the past relative to their own thermometer data (blue)


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