The Obamacar
Posted: January 30, 2014 Filed under: Carbon Dioxide, Environmentalism, Government Grants/Funding, Govt Climate Agenda, Green Agenda, Green Energy, Obama, Politics | Tags: Climate Change, Energy, Obama, SOTU Leave a commentReal Science
Here is one of Obama’s natural gas powered Honda Civics
CNG has to be kept at more than 200 atmospheres pressure. You can think of it as a large conventional explosive located six inches underneath your children.
One of the reasons why is natural gas. If extracted safely, it’s the bridge fuel that can power our economy with less of the carbon pollution that causes climate change. (Applause.) Businesses plan to invest almost a hundred billion dollars in new factories that use natural gas.
I’ll cut red tape to help states get those factories built and put folks to work, and this Congress can help by putting people to work building fueling stations that shift more cars and trucks from foreign oil to American natural gas.
America is the largest producer of oil in the world.
Climate experts have been telling us for years that methane (natural gas) is a…
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