Think You Know Greenpeace? Look Again

Climatism Related Links :

  • Peer into the Heart of the IPCC, Find Greenpeace | CACA
  • IPCC Summary: The Real Story | CACA
  • Why I left Greenpeace – Patrick Moore | Greenspirit Strategies Ltd.
  • Greenpeace tells children lies to ruin Christmas | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog



What … No Biofuel?

Big Picture News, Informed Analysis

An urgent public health crisis exists. An effective, humanitarian response is available. But rather than pitching in and helping to save lives, Greenpeace is attacking the aid workers.

The Arctic Sunrise is a Greenpeace vessel. Last month, its crew tweeted the following: “BREAKING: we’ve got 4 boats in the water heading towards Gazprom’s Arctic rig. We’re going to try and stop the drilling. #savethearctic.”

Greenpeace says it was engaging in “peaceful protest.” But peaceful protest is about moral persuasion. It does not encompass intimidation and coercion – in which you swarm an industrial oil rig, board that rig without authorization, and physically bring its activities to a halt – all the while placing other people’s lives at risk.

Soon afterward, Russia arrested the 30-person crew and seized the Greenpeace vessel. I have no idea whether Russia’s prosecution of the activists as pirates rests on firm ground. What I do…

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