Shock News : Before The Commodore Australia Had Droughts
Posted: January 11, 2014 | Author: Jamie Spry | Filed under: Australia, Climate, Climate Change, Climate Changes, Climate History, Drought | Tags: Australia, Australian drought, Climate Change, Climate history |
“We need to get some broad based support,
to capture the public’s imagination…
So we have to offer up scary scenarios,
make simplified, dramatic statements
and make little mention of any doubts…
Each of us has to decide what the right balance
is between being effective and being honest.“
– Prof. Stephen Schneider,
Stanford Professor of Climatology,
lead author of many IPCC reports
“This planet is on course for a catastrophe.
The existence of Life itself is at stake.”
– Dr Tim Flannery,
Principal Research Scientist
“So even the rain that falls isn’t actually going to fill our dams and our river systems, and that’s a real worry for the people in the bush.” – Tim Flannery, (fmr) AU Climate Commissioner

Australian Historical Drought References via Steven Goddard’s Real Science :
1829 : Prayer To End The Drought In Australia
Posted on May 9, 2012
From The Australiad, a Poem.
Bv Science told—a burning dryness came
Throughout the land ; grass and stalky maize Universal felt the parch’d up, arid soil ;
Then pin’d the quenchless kine, the rambling sheep, And ev’ry lapping beast that roved the woods. All were seen grazing o’er the winding creeks,
And mountain gulleys, and the springs in vain. In the hot, blazing air, now drooped the birds, And there were seen the doleful dying quails, And roselles golden, with glittering hue, And wailing emu, and proud jetty swans,
And ev’ry domestic bird to housewife dear, And lastly man felt the wrath of Heaven And pray’d—but not in vain.
T. P.

21 Jul 1829 – THE DROUGHT! From The Australiad, a Poem.
1914-1915 Australian Drought Led To Complete Crop Failure
Posted on January 11, 2014
The drought of 1914-15 became seared in the memory of Australians, primarily due to the disastrous failure of the wheat crop that year.
The first signs of drought became evident in 1913, when rainfall in western Victoria, central areas of Tasmania, and settled areas of South Australia, was well below average in the normally wet April-July period. Timely rain in early spring then saved the wheat crop and gave good pastoral prospects. But there was to be no such respite the following year, a strong El Niño year. 1914 started off very hot, and southern Victoria suffered from widespread bushfires in February and March. Good rains fell over most of eastern Australia in March and April, but thereafter extremely dry conditions set in over most of the southern half of the country.
Except in coastal NSW, drought became widespread and severe from July to October. Across large areas of the southern states the period May through October 1914 remains the driest such period on record. As conditions worsened, stock were transported as fast as the railways could carry them to more favoured locations, where – naturally – prices for agistment rose substantially. From the Deniliquin district alone over half a million sheep, and thousands of horses and cattle, were moved out. Rivers throughout southeastern Australia fell to extremely low levels. The Murray River at Echuca fell to its lowest level ever recorded to that time, to just 2 percent of its normal flow by December. Downstream of Swan Hill the Murray was reduced to a series of stagnant pools.
By the end of October the national wheat crop was a total failure. In southwestern Australia – often spared when drought afflicts the eastern states – less than half the normal rainfall fell during the critical May-October period, leading to complete crop failure in some districts, and easily the lowest Western Australian wheat yield of the century.
BOM – Australian Climate Extremes-Drought
Shock News : Australia Had Droughts Before The SUV Was Invented
Posted on September 25, 2013
31 Dec 1862 – DROUGHT.
1965 Global Cooling : Drought Ravaged The US And Australia
Posted on August 17, 2013
Obama says that he can end drought by bypassing Congress to make the climate cool like it was in 1965.
Carbon Tax In 1789 Could Have Prevented Centuries Of Drought And Flood In Australia
Posted on February 26, 2013

The erratic climate of Australia, alternating between drought and flood, has caused all intelligent life forms in Canberra to go extinct.

Seven Year Drought Killed 40% Of The Livestock In Australia – Wheat Crop Destroyed
Posted on September 1, 2012
The “Federation Drought”, 1895-1902
Many of Australia’s worst droughts occur when one or two very dry years follow several years of generally below average rainfall. Such was the case in the so-called “Federation drought”, which began in the mid 1890s and reached its devastating climax in late 1901 and 1902.
The five years leading up to Federation (January 1901) saw intermittent dry spells over most of the country, particularly in 1897 and 1899; in most of Queensland, dry conditions were virtually unbroken from 1897. Most other parts of the country had reasonable rain in 1900 and early 1901, but with the coming of spring 1901 very dry weather set in across eastern Australia. By February 1902 concerns were expressed about Sydney’s water supply, and the New South Wales Government declared 26 February a day of “humiliation and prayer” for rain in that state. Similar declarations were made in Queensland in April and Victoria in September, as the drought worsened.
Despite the pleas for divine intervention, things only got worse. Though there was some winter-spring rain in Victoria and NSW, cold weather nullified its usefulness. In Queensland, enormous sheep and cattle losses were being reported by August. On some far western properties, cattle numbers plummeted from tens of thousands to mere hundreds. Rivers in western Queensland dried up; at Bourke, the Darling River virtually ran dry. Further south, towns near the Murray River such as Mildura, Balranald and Deniliquin – at that time dependent on the river for transport – suffered badly. The Australian wheat crop was all but lost, with close to the lowest yields of the century.
BOM – Australian Climate Extremes-Drought
1929/1931 Droughts Caused Starvation In Australia And Texas
Posted on May 29, 2012


20 Jan 1931 – STARVATION IN U.S.A. Serious Drought Situation. …
Sixty Years Ago This Month : Unprecedented Drought In Australia
Posted on May 29, 2012

14 May 1952 – Drought Spreads Grey Plains Of Death Over Northe…
1901 : The Beginning Of The Permanent Drought In Australia
Posted on May 11, 2012
Last year, Joe Romm determined that he could forecast the rest of time – based on one storm.

However, 110 years earlier – it is unlikely that anyone that dimwitted would have survived long enough to go bald.

1894-1902 Drought Killed Half Of The Livestock In Queensland
Posted on December 7, 2013by stevengoddard
In Queensland, the 1902 drought was the culmination of eight years that were dry more often than not over most areas. These years had a devastating effect on stock numbers: sheep numbers fell from 91 million to 54 million, and cattle from 11.8 million to 7 million. The drought began focussing minds on irrigation, especially in the three states through which the Murray River flows: but it wasn’t until the next severe drought in 1914 that the River Murray Commission was created.
BOM – Australian Climate Extremes-Drought
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