Feds Alarmed By Global Cooling in 1974
Posted: September 25, 2013 Filed under: Alarmism, Climate, Climate History, Global Cooling, Government, Govt Climate Agenda 1 CommentClimatism Comment:
Deep within human nature there are certain types of people who yearn for catastrophe, they yearn to have significance in their lives believing that theirs is the time when the chickens are coming home to roost and everything is going to go belly up.
We don’t have to go too far back in time to witness man’s fear and fascination with climate fluctuations, natural or man-made. The Global Cooling and “New Ice-Age” scare of the late 1970’s promised mankind ‘political upheaval, social unrest, major economic damage and global food shortages.’ However given lots of money and “urgent” action from the top, clever man was able to miraculously avert such global catastrophe.
Fast forward only 35 years and the dire warnings and economic scenarios we read about in today’s current Global Warming ‘crisis’ are straight out of the 1970’s Global Cooling playbook; simply swap cooling for warming and voilà ~ another “man-made” global catastrophe to match the temperature of the day. And another excuse for Government’s to steal your hard-earned money and play weather-god’s to fix a perceived ‘climate crisis’. The United Nations’ IPCC now aims to prove human CO² is causing global warming as part of their belief that industrialised populations will exhaust all resources and must be shut down.
• Short memories we have.
- Highlights from “A United States Climate Program” 1974 :
- The recommended U.S. Climate Program will require $39.8M of new funding in FY 76, with further increases of $7.3M in 77and $9.4 in FY 78.
- Because the impacts of climate fluctuations are felt directly or indirectly by all nations, and because the processes that control climate and the systems to monitor them are global in scope, international efforts will be needed. The United States should foster them in all appropriate forms.
- It is clear that climate fluctuations are resulting in major economic, social and political consequences. Our vulnerability has a increased; as the world’s population and the affluence of part of it have grown, grain reserves have shrunk to the point …. These concerns are compounded by mounting evidence that man’s industrial and agricultural activities may cause changes in climate inadvertently….
1973 : 100% NSF Global Cooling Consensus
Posted on Real Science September 27, 2013 by stevengoddard
The Bryan Times
Scoundrels at NOAA and NASA have been working tirelessly to rewrite the history of the period, but sadly for them, the Internet never forgets.
By Paul Homewood
Most of us will be aware of the stories about the “ice age scare” during the 1970’s. Many have dismissed these as little more than journalistic hype, but some facts are incontrovertible.
- Northern Hemisphere temperatures fell sharply between the 1940’s and 1970’s
- Arctic ice expanded rapidly.
- Many severe weather events were linked to this cooling.
The US Government was concerned enough about this climatic change that, in 1974, it set up a Subcommittee on Climate Change, under the auspices of the Secretary of the Interior.The Committee was to be chaired by Robert White, Administrator of NOAA, and made up of representatives from various Federal agencies and offices.
I have obtained copies, from the NOAA archives, of some of the original documents relating to the setting up this Committee, along with their December 1974 report, “A United States Climate Program”. Excerpts…
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