SHOCK NEWS! Arctic Summers Ice-Free by 2013

We need to get some broad based support,
to capture the public’s imagination…
So we have to offer up scary scenarios,
make simplified, dramatic statements
and make little mention of any doubts…
Each of us has to decide what the right balance
is between being effective and being honest.

– Prof. Stephen Schneider,
Stanford Professor of Climatology,
lead author of many IPCC reports

The only way to get our society to truly change is to
frighten people with the possibility of a catastrophe
– emeritus professor Daniel Botkin

We’ve got to ride this global warming issue.
Even if the theory of global warming is wrong,
we will be doing the right thing in terms of
economic and environmental policy.

– Timothy Wirth,
President of the UN Foundation


According to 97% of the world’s top climate scientists, the Arctic will be ‘ice-free’ in a few weeks …

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Professor Wedhams gives a two year reprieve …

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Will Steffen of Australia’s Climate Commission reports a melting arctic and The emission of methane from the Arctic Ocean will wreak financial havoc:

“Warming is strongest in the northern high latitudes … An example is the loss of Arctic sea ice, which contributes to the thawing of the permafrost under the East Siberian Sea.” “Recent observations show that methane is beginning to bubble up … as the Arctic sea ice continues to retreat and the region continues to warm.”  

  • The release of the East Siberian Sea methane would lead to impacts worth about US$60 trillion (by comparison, the total value of the world’s economy in 2012 was about US$70 trillion, and the value of the Australian economy is about US$1.5 trillion).

Climate Commission and Steffen taking full advantage of the latest climate hysteria. An alarmist prediction so bad, even Gavin Schmidt thinks it is implausible!

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ARCTIC ICE “Death Spiral” …

The ice is in a “death spiral” and may disappear in the summers within a couple of decades, according to Mark Serreze, an Arctic climate expert at the National Snow and Ice Data Center in Boulder, Colorado. 

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Paul Beckwith of Sierra Club Canada still thinks “Arctic sea ice will vanish” in a few weeks …

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‘Serious’ Adult Arctic Alarmism

A CLOSER LOOK at the ice-free Arctic of summer 2013 …

Ice-free ARCTIC

From Real Science:

Second Largest Arctic Ice Gain On Record

Posted on Real Science August 8, 2013 by stevengoddard

Arctic ice area has increased by almost 20,000 Manhattans from this date last year, making it the second largest increase on record. The only year which gained more ice was 1996.

In a few days, it is likely that 2013 will move into the #1 spot.


2013 is the coldest Arctic summer on record:


COI | Centre for Ocean and Ice | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut


The Arctic Displays Its Breathtaking Ignorance Of Peer Reviewed Climate Science

Posted on Real Science August 9, 2013 by stevengoddard

Temperatures have plummeted below freezing weeks early.

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COI | Centre for Ocean and Ice | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

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50% Increase In Arctic Sea Ice Since Last Year

Posted on  Real Science August 10, 2013 by stevengoddard

Green shows ice gain since August 8, 2012. Red shows ice loss over that period.

ScreenHunter_60 Aug. 10 00.17

How it looks:



See also: Forget global warming! Earth undergoing global COOLING since 2002!  (Climate Depot)


Arctic Sets New Record For The Largest Increase In Summer Sea Ice

Posted on Real ScienceAugust 12, 2013 by stevengoddard

This summer has seen the largest increase in sea ice area on record. August 8 ice area was 1.26 million km² larger than the same date in 2012, beating the old record increase set in 1996.


NOAA describes this record increase in ice as being a record loss.

ScreenHunter_129 Aug. 12 07.28

Noaa report says Arctic sea ice is disappearing at unprecedented pace | World news |


Arctic Closed To Shipping – Too Much Ice

Posted on  Real ScienceAugust 16, 2013 by stevengoddard

ScreenHunter_296 Aug. 16 06.01

MASIE Home Page


Second Slowest Peak Arctic Melt Season On Record

Posted on Real ScienceAugust 19, 2013 by stevengoddard

Since July 23, Arctic ice area loss has been the second slowest on record. Ice loss has been 61% of normal, and was just slightly faster than 2001.


Climate experts tell us that Arctic sea ice is thin, decayed, rotten, and screaming, and that it is all going to melt away quite suddenly during the next week.

Arctic Announces That It Is Very Angry At Dishonest Scientists

Posted on Real ScienceAugust 19, 2013 by stevengoddard

I just received this message from the Arctic

Government scientists shouldn’t claim 99% certainty of theorized cause and effect relationships – based entirely on preconceived notions and political prejudice.

Additionally, scientists who claim to be able to see the distant future are complete frauds.


COI | Centre for Ocean and Ice | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

Earth Blows Away The Record For Sea Ice Gain In 2013

Posted on Real ScienceAugust 22, 2013 by stevengoddard

The amount of thin, rotten, decayed, bald sea ice on Earth has increased by nearly 33,000 Manhattans since this date last year – almost doubling the previous record for annual ice gain.

Note that the amount of sea ice on Earth has increased during six of the last eight years.

NOAA says that these are the hottest years ever, and that the Arctic will soon be ice-free.


62% Increase In Arctic Ice Since Last Year

Posted on Real ScienceAugust 24, 2013 by stevengoddard

Green shows ice present in 2013 which was not present on this date in 2012. Red shows the opposite.

AAAAAAA ARCTIC August 2103 62

Arctic Sea-Ice Monitor

The Ministry Of Truth continues to lie about this :


This year’s melt rates are in line with a sustained decline of the Arctic ice cover, which has been monitored by NASA for several decades.

In the 1980′s the ice cap was about the size of the lower 48 states. It’s lost about half its size since then

Arctic ice cap points to sustaining increasing melt rates |

Arctic ice extent is the highest since 2005

AAAAAA 626262

COI | Centre for Ocean and Ice | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

69% Increase In Arctic Ice Since 2012

Posted on Real ScienceAugust 25, 2013 by stevengoddard

Green shows ice present in 2013 which was not present on this date in 2012. Red shows the opposite.


Arctic Sea-Ice Monitor

Largest Growth In Ice Area On Record

Posted on Real ScienceAugust 25, 2013 by stevengoddard

Arctic ice area has grown by 21,000 Manhattans since last year, the largest increase on record.



Comparing Arctic Sea-Ice coverage:  Aug 24, 2012 – 2013

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Earth Gains 38,000 Manhattans Of Sea Ice – Blows Away The Old Record

Posted on Real ScienceAugust 27, 2013 by stevengoddard


Earth has gained 2.2 million km² of sea ice since this date last year, wiping out the previous record gain of 1.1  million km² in 1994.

According to climate experts, polar ice loss is the canary in the coal mine for global warming, meaning that their junk science theory has flown the coop. All they are left with is newspaper and cable news excrement at the bottom of the cage.

Arctic Ice Almost As Extensive As It Was 42 Years Ago

Posted on Real Science September 6, 2013 by stevengoddard

Green shows current ice.  Red shows 1971 ice.

ARCTIC record

Arctic Ocean Map 1971 by National Geographic from

N_daily_extent.png (420×500)

The IPCC report from 1990 showed that ice extent was low in the early 1970s.

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NCAR also noted that prior to 1972, ice extent was low.

by Walter Orr Roberts  Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, and National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado

In February of 1972 earth-orbiting artificial satellites revealed the existence of a greatly increased area of the snow and ice cover of the north polar cap as compared to all previous years of space age observations.

Alarmists want you to believe that there used to be a lot more ice, but they are lying.


Shock News : More Western Arctic Sea Ice Than 1981

Posted on Real Science September 19, 2013 by stevengoddard

Western Arctic ice coverage is higher than 1981, and is almost back to “normal.”


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Gaia Pummels Arctic Alarmists

Posted on Real Science September 19, 2013by stevengoddard

Arctic ice area the highest since 2006, and average ice area for the year to date is higher than 2006.





COI | Centre for Ocean and Ice | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institute



Arctic Alarmists Will Long For The Summer Of 2013

Posted on Real Science September 18, 2013 by stevengoddard

This summer has been a disaster for Arctic alarmists, but it is only going to get worse. The bulk of remaining ice is perfectly situated in the western Arctic to survive the winter and become multi-year ice.

Another cold summer like this one, and western Arctic ice will be back to what alarmists call “normal”  Look for great wailing and gnashing of teeth.



Screen Shot 2013-09-20 at , September 20, 2.43.28 PM

The Cryosphere Today – Daily Arctic Sea Ice Maps



Earth Has More Sea Ice Than 1990

Posted on Real Science September 19, 2013 by stevengoddard

Planet Earth currently has 333,000 Manhattans of sea ice, which is more ice than on the same date in 1990. (Note that there was a small dip a few years ago which caused many leading scientists to become hysterical.)


Climate experts say that the poles are melting down, because they never look at any actual data.


Climatism Links:

  • NATURE STUDY Confirms Global Warming Stopped 15 Years Ago | CACA
  • Scientists talking about no warming
  • Peer into the Heart of the IPCC, Find Greenpeace | CACA
  • UN-Settled Science
  • 44th Pacific “Sinking Islands” Extortion Forum | CACA
  • 97% of climate models say that 97% of climate scientists are wrong | CACA
  • Bureaucratic Dioxide
  • A cooling consensus
  • Modelling Climate Alarmism
  • GLOBAL WARMING THEORY – Circular reasoning at its best
  • Obamaclimate and Europe’s Green Energy Basket-Case | CACA

Australia Climate Related:

  • Tim Flannery sacked, Climate Commission dismantled by Coalition | Herald Sun
  • A win for Australia! Government scraps Climate Commission. « JoNova
  • Flannery sacked | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
  • Claim: Humans behind record Australian heat, research shows | CACA
  • Australia’s Climate Comm: Propaganda Unit Blinded By Ideology | CACA
  • Claim: Ocean Acidification Is Climate Change’s ‘Equally Evil Twin’ | CACA
  • Australia’s record hottest 12 month period? Junk science say the Satellites | CACA


Happy Birthday to my Brother Tim today (August 8) … never far away.

Galileo Movement Video: It’s Steam – Stupid

  • Most modern or upgraded coal-fire plants, mainly from the west, are required under strict regulations to remove 99% of particulates known as fly-ash. This is why the air in modern cities like Melbourne, Sydney, America and Europe have some of the cleanest air in the world. Compared with the chronically polluted cities of China, SE Asia and the sub-continent, who aren’t required to adhere to strict ‘particulate’ emission standards.
  • Most underdeveloped countries simply cannot afford to retro-fit their existing plants to make them clean or simply do without to keep costs down.


  • Another example of why the greatest driver of environmental health is economic prosperity. If you want a healthy environment, you need a healthy economy. Draconian climate policy threatens the wealth and prosperity of western economies. Potentially limiting the ability to divert excess capital to innovate and keep improving the overall environment.


Tallbloke's Talkshop

One of my pet peeves is the way the media always use images of power stations shot from an angle at a time of day when the steam condensate coming out of cooling towers is made to look like smoke. I mentioned it quite recently as being at the top of my list of annoyances about the way climate and energy issues are reported. Now the Galileo Movement in Australia has made a nice short (2min) video to alert the public to the way they are being lied to, manipulated and deceived.


View original post

Second Largest Arctic Ice Gain On Record

No matter if the science of global warming is all phony…
climate change provides the greatest opportunity to
bring about justice and equality in the world
– Christine Stewart,
former Canadian Minister of the Environment

From Real Science:

Second Largest Arctic Ice Gain On Record

Posted on Real Science August 8, 2013 by stevengoddard

Arctic ice area has increased by almost 20,000 Manhattans from this date last year, making it the second largest increase on record. The only year which gained more ice was 1996.

In a few days, it is likely that 2013 will move into the #1 spot.


Rewind 1979:

“In 1977 the worst winter in a century struck the United States” 

  • Leonard Nimoy materialises ‘The Coming Ice Age’ in the classic “In Search of…” television series that was broadcast weekly from 1977 to 1982.

“What scientists are telling us now is that the threat of an Ice Age is not as remote as they once thought. During the lifetime of our grand children, Arctic cold and perpetual snow could turn most of the inhabitable portions of our planet into a Polar Desert”!

  • Going on the latest 2013 Arctic Sea Ice data and record cold temps, it seems Dr Spock is more adept at climate science and forecasting than 97% of today’s climate scientists armed with their billion dollar computer models!
  • Ahh what short memories we have ~ yearning for catastrophe, driven by alarmism!

Cheers to stevengoddard & Real Science

Arctic Sea-Ice “Death Spiral”

It doesn’t matter what is true,
it only matters what people believe is true
– Paul Watson,
co-founder of Greenpeace

According the top US scientists the Arctic should be ‘ice-free’ in a few weeks:

Screen Shot 2013-07-31 at , July 31, 12.42.21 PM

Professor Paul Wedhams delays an ‘ice-free’ Arctic by two years:

“Given present trends in extent and thickness, the ice in September will be gone in a very short while, perhaps by 2015.”

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‘Arctic is Rotten and decayed and will all melt soon’

Via Real Science:

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David Barber says that the little remaining ice in the Arctic is rotten and decayed and will all melt soon. (He has been saying that for every year I can remember.)

Paul Beckwith of Sierra Club Canada still thinks “Arctic sea ice will vanish” in a few weeks:

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National Geographic laments:

“Arctic Ice in ‘Death Spiral” with additional heating due to global warming, the extent of sea ice cover has gotten smaller and smaller over the summers since the 1980s. 

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Look forward to Nat Geo’s Arctic ice Death Spiral, rotten decaying, ice-free arctic 2013 update: “We’ve got no idea what we’re talking about. However human’s are still to blame, the problem of global warming will hopefully not go away.”

From Real Science:

Reader Brian D sent over this 1971 National Geographic map, which shows that there is a lot more Arctic sea ice now than there was 42 years ago.

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Arctic Ocean Map 1971 by National Geographic from

I remember seeing that map at the time.  The next map overlays current ice extent on the 1971 map, with green representing ice present in 2013 that was not present in 1971, and red representing the opposite.

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NSIDC likes to pretend that ice has been declining steadily, by starting their graphs near the century maximum in 1978.

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N_05_plot.png (420×240)

But sadly for them, the 1990 IPCC report captured the growth in ice prior to 1979.

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NCAR mentioned the ice growth at the time

by Walter Orr Roberts  Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, andNational Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado

In February of 1972 earth-orbiting artificial satellites revealed the existence of a greatly increased area of the snow and ice cover of the north polar cap as compared to all previous years of space age observations.

As did the CIA

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CIA Report 1974

Is Mark Serreze hiding the incline of Arctic ice since 1971?



  • 2013: According to Environment Canada, the Western Arctic has the 3rd highest July ice coverage in history:

canada sea ice west arctic 2 record

  • Beaufort Sea ice area currently above normal:


  • Arctic sea-ice extent highest for the date since 2005:

Arctic sea ice extent

  • 2013 the coldest summer on record in the Arctic:



Latest Death Spiral Forecast

August 3, 2013by stevengoddard

Our leading diplomats, scientists and environmental organizations have promised that the remaining 155,000 Manhattans of Arctic sea ice are going to melt in the next week or two. The graph below updates the most likely death spiral trajectory.

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COI | Centre for Ocean and Ice | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

the Arctic will be ice-free in the summer of 2013

– John Kerry, US Secretary of State

John Kerry: We Can’t Ignore the Security Threat from Climate Change

James Hansen : ‘This is the last chance’


“We see a tipping point occurring right before our eyes,” Hansen told the AP before the luncheon. “The Arctic is the first tipping point and it’s occurring exactly the way we said it would.”

Hansen, echoing work by other scientists, said thatin five to 10 years, the Arctic will be free of sea ice in the summer.

NASA warming scientist: ‘This is the last chance’ –

June 26, 2013

The alarming loss of sea ice which has grown worse each summer over the past several decades, has taken a sharp turn for the worse: this year the loss is right in the middle, the most resilient part of the ice cover. This could lead to a completely ice-free Arctic Ocean by September.

Unprecedented hole is growing in Arctic sea ice – Fairfax Climate WatchWhy Arctic sea ice will vanish in 2013 | Sierra Club Canada


NOAA Reminds Us That They Have Degenerated Into A Propaganda Wing Of The White House

Posted on Real Science August 7, 2013by stevengoddard

ScreenHunter_05 Aug. 06 22.59

Noaa report says Arctic sea ice is disappearing at unprecedented pace | World news |

Disappearing at an unprecedented rate, means growing at an unprecedented rate since last summer.

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COI | Centre for Ocean and Ice | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

Satellite imagery shows that there is 50% more ice than last year (green area.)

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Second Largest Arctic Ice Gain On Record

Posted on Real Science  August 8, 2013by stevengoddard

Arctic ice area has increased by almost 20,000 Manhattans from this date last year, making it the second largest increase on record. The only year which gained more ice was 1996.

In a few days, it is likely that 2013 will move into the #1 spot.

ScreenHunter_64 Aug. 07 22.23


Cheers, Steven Goddard Real Science

Seas could boil dry say scientists


Seas could boil dry say scientists | Herald Scotland

Published on 29 July 2013

A GLOBAL warming Armageddon in which the oceans boil dry could theoretically happen on Earth, researchers claim.

But human activity on its own will probably not trigger such an end-of-the-world scenario in the near future.

Previously it was thought more solar energy was needed for global warming to truly spin out of control.

But new calculations from Canadian and US scientists show catastrophic warming could occur more easily than was thought on a planet getting the level of solar radiation Earth does.

The team wrote in the journal Nature Geoscience: “A renewed modelling effort is needed, addressing both Earth and planetary science applications.”

Our closes neighbour Venus is believed to have had a runaway greenhouse effect. Shrouded in carbon dioxide atmosphere, its surface temperature is 460˚C – hot enough to melt lead.

The new study did not take into account the effect of clouds. But it still suggests that under certain atmospheric conditions a stable Earth could switch to a runaway greenhouse state.

Next article:

  • Quakes ‘bad for atmosphere’

Tks to Real Science

Global Warming To Hit The Fan After You Are Dead

“By the end of this (20th) century climate change will reduce the human
population to a few breeding pairs surviving near the Arctic.” – Sir James Lovelock, Revenge of Gaia.

  • Perhaps the two pictured are one of his few breeding pairs?

Real Science

You should buy Arctic beachfront property, because after you are dead it is going to be really warm there.

ScreenHunter_24 Aug. 07 11.40ScreenHunter_25 Aug. 07 11.40

Now’s the time to buy up that Arctic waterfront property you’ve been dreaming of.

New evidence shows that, while we may not see severe climate change in our lifetimes, global warming could snowball into catastrophe in the distant future—and once the climate has shifted, it might not go back to normal for a very, very long time.

When global warming finally gets going, it could last for 200,000 years – Quartz

I knew that dead people voted Democratic in large numbers, but I didn’t realize that they also took a lot of vacations.

View original post

Climate Change in 12 Minutes

The common enemy of humanity is man.
In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up
with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming,
water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these
dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through
changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome.
The real enemy then, is humanity itself
– Club of Rome,
Environmental think-tank, consultants to the United Nations

Climate Change in 12 Minutes ~ The Skeptic’s Case:

Does the best available climate data favour the case for sceptics or for warmists?

An excellent 12 minute video explaining the climate sceptical position in easy terms for us layman’s ! …

Related: Modelling Climate Alarmism